Sunday, May 29, 2016

Stephanie LeMenager: ''The Humanities in the Era of Climate Change'' speech at the Association of Canadian College and University Teachers of English summer conference -- ''LeMenager has ''mixed feelings'' about Cli-Fi because some people's science fictions are other people's realities''


Association of Canadian College and University Teachers of English

#ACCUTE hashtag on Twitter

59th Annual Conference Congress 2016,

Energizing Communities

University of Calgary 28 - 31 May 2016

SESSION 4 .........3:30-5 pm: PLENARY TALK U4A –

Stephanie LeMenager:  The Humanities in the Era of Climate Change – ST 104

Reference NYT:

'['This is an automated email reply; I am delivery a plenary address at CONGRESS in Canada, and I will have intermittent access to email until May 30th.''][Did I really say  I have ''mixed feelings'' about Cli-Fi because some people's science fictions are other people's realities?''] [I will clarify and amplify this quote/misquote later when I get back to my home base in Oregon.]


moriahgirl (@moriahgirl) tweeted at 6:15 AM on Mon, May 30, 2016:

 ''LeMenager has ''mixed feelings'' about Cli-Fi because some people's science fictions are other people's realities''

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Laura Robinson:  on poetry being a way to cope with environmental devastation: are there forms of comm that have modes of silence? plenary

Laura Robinson @Laura_Learns 6 hours ago
Awesome plenary talk by Stephanie LeMenager .

ACCUTE @ACCUTEnglish 7 hours ago
. on cli-fi: some people's science fiction is other people's lived reality [not sure if I got that exactly right]
Laura Robinson @Laura_Learns 6 hours ago
LeMenager says ''Sci fi creates communities more than any other genre''
Laura Robinson @Laura_Learns 7 hours ago
"I would welcome more silence or a deinstrumentalism of talk": LeMenager plenary
Laura Robinson @Laura_Learns 7 hours ago
"Poetry has become a way to cope" with the devastation of climate change plenary with LeMenager .
LeMenager has mixed feelings about Cli-Fi because some people's science fictions are other people's realities

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