Sunday, April 10, 2016

Teaching ''Cli-fi'' in 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020...

If you’ve taught a cli-fi course in the past few years at a univeristy or high school, or if you are currently teaching one now this semester or plan to teach one this coming summer term or next fall or Spring of 2017, please contact The Cli-Fi Report here with your info and details and course description:

''IN THE CLOUD'' NOTES: Pick and Choose:

Meg Little Reilly's new cli-fi novel ''WE ARE UNPREPARED'' set for Augusty 31 pub date

  T.C. Boyle's new  ''cli-fi'' novel set for October 2016 release: ''THE TERRANAUTS: A NOVEL''

  • Margaret Atwood, Maddaddam trilogy
  • Paolo Bacigalupi
    • The Water Knife (2015)
  • J.G. Ballard
    • The Drowned World (1962)
  • T.C. Boyle, A Friend of the Earth (2000)
  • Michael Crichton, State of Fear (2004)
  • Barbara Kingsolver, Flight Behavior (2014)
  • Ian McEwan, Solar (2011)
  • Naomi Oreskes and Erik M. Conway, The Collapse of Western Civilization: A View from the Future (2014)
  • Nathaniel Rich, Odds Against Tomorrow (2014)
  • Kim Stanley Robinson
    • New York 2140 (set for 2017 publication date)

  • Stephen Baxter
    • Flood (2008)
  • David Brin, Earth (1990)

  • Richard Jefferies, After London (1885)
  • George R. Stewart, Earth Abides (1949)

  • Cormac McCarthy, The Road (2006)
  • Jeanette Winterson, The Stone Gods (1997)

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