Wednesday, April 20, 2016

International Cli-Fi Day is now a global annual event, every year on Earth Day April 20

International Cli-Fi Day is now a global annual event, every year on Earth Day April 20

see a one minute RADIO segment here on YouTube with two radio hosts joking about cli-fi but also applauding it as a new buzzword...

International Cli-Fi Day is now a global annual event, every year on Earth Day April 20 is sponsored by Chase's Calendar of Events as a day of public awareness about cli-fi novels and movies as ways to wake up humankind about the dangers we face from future global warming impact events IF WE DO NOTHING NOW TO STOP IT.

Published on Apr 20, 2016
Today is Cli-Fi Day...that is an actual thing and it is in reference to the nature destruction movies which is also a pretty good tie in to Volunteer Recognition Day because so many of them help clean up the real life natural disasters.


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