Sunday, April 17, 2016

Cli-fi as a subgenre of sci-fi? Yes, if that's how SF novelists like Kim Stanley Robinson prefer to see it. Let 21st century sci-fi writers do it their way!

4 tweets today -- sent out worldwide to sci-fi community of writers...


 ( • )  Cli-fi as a subgenre of sci-fi? Yes, if that's how SF novelists like Kim Stanley Robinson prefer to see it. Let 21st century sci-fi writers do it their way!
 ( • )  Cli-fi as subgenre of SF? Yes. Kim Stanley Robinson, David Brin, others see it that way. Let 100 sci-fi voices arise in a similar way! Focus on "people and biosphere" (Paolo Bacigalupi said that  in conference call with Michael Berry and KSR).
 ( • )  Cli-fi is subgenre of SF, says Kim Stanley Robinson. Focus on "people, biosphere" (and not "toys") says Paolo. This is the new 21st Century sci-fi on !

 ( • )  Sci-fi's Kim Stanley Robinson's
"New York 2140" and Paolo's ''THE WATER KNIFE'' focus on "people, biosphere, " not "toys" and space travel. A new SF for the 21st Century is born

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