Saturday, April 30, 2016

Chinese scientist has come to conclusion that industrial mining fossil energy (coal, petroleum, natural gas, oil shale, combustible ice, etc.) by the human being has destroyed the thermal insulating layer inside crust of the Earth, and excessive heat from inside of the Earth has come to the surface, which is the main cause of a warming globe.

Friends, thought you might get a kick out of this. Could this be the theme of the next ''cli-fi'' film?
RE: ''I have finally come to conclusion that industrial mining fossil energy (coal, petroleum, natural gas, oil shale, combustible ice, etc.) by the human being has destroyed the thermal insulating layer inside crust of the Earth, and excessive heat from inside of the Earth has come to the surface, which is the main cause of a warming globe.''

Dear Sir in the USA. I am writing to you from CHINA, i.e., Communist China, PRC, controlled by the brutal dictatorship of the out-dated yet oppressive Soviet-style Communist Party of China
I was delighted to read your blog about cli-fi movies and the topic is very inspiring to me.

Although opinions on causes of climate change vary, I has been devoted to the research of climate change and have finally come to conclusion that industrial mining fossil energy (coal, petroleum, natural gas, oil shale, combustible ice, etc.) by the human being has destroyed the thermal insulating layer inside crust of the Earth, and excessive heat from inside of the Earth has come to the surface, which is the main cause of a warming globe. CO2, CH4 etc. airs stored in the earth's crust release into the atmosphere because of earth's crust fever and underlying surface temperature increment, make the greenhouse effect enhanced. Weather events become more and more extreme. My argument is based on secondary information or empirical calculation based on various events. Look at the thermal conductivity with various substances, you know how important that thermal insulation in the earth's crust is to terrestrial biosphere.
crustal components:                 thermal conductivity (W/m.K):
shale gas                                   0.049
natural gas                                0.052
oil shale                                     0.08
combustible ice                        0.121
petroleum                                  0.14
coal                                            0.21
sedimentary rock                      3.41
granite                                       3.49
basalt                                         2.17
According to this new concept, except rare cases, an overwhelming majority of existing natural disasters can be reasonably explained with this theory. Crust of the Earth and underlying surface are being heated irregularly! It is for this reason that not only the ecological environment is rapidly getting worse, but also due to entry of excessive heat into the atmosphere and the ocean, extreme weather events occur more and more often to repeatedly refresh the history. Fossil energy is the product of a series of complex chemical reaction under high temperature and high pressure in the interior of the earth for a long geologic time, thus, where there is fossil energy, there is massive heat resource. But there's no "oil sea" or "gas sea" in the earth's crust, fossil oil and natural gas exist in rock pores, cracks, karst caves, faults and grits through the crust, forming a huge "capillary network". Fossil energy constitutes only a very small proportion of earth surface, and the maximum depth of mining is only 5000 meters, but fossil oil and natural gas are effective seal of the rock pores, cracks, karst caves, faults and grits, which prevent excessive leakage of terrestrial heat flow. The enormous pressure formed by petroleum, natural gas and shale gas within the crust oppose the earth’s interior thermal pressure, achieving a dynamic balance. Once petroleum, natural gas and shale gas have been mined, the earth’s interior terrestrial heat flow follows the capillary network because of the loss of thermal insulation and heat-sealants and eventually reaches the surface, causing the crust underlying the surface to “fever” and triggering ecological and geological disasters. Huge amounts of extreme dispersed heat force the water vapor, CO2, CH4 and other gases from the crust into the atmosphere and oceans, which disrupts the atmospheric energy balance and causes climate change and meteorological disasters. With increasing sea temperatures, air humidity has also increased, which has produced the strongest recorded typhoons, hurricanes and tropical cyclones, as well as the strongest recorded local rainfall, snow, drought, winter and cold conditions. These conditions are expected to become more frequent, with the weather becoming more extreme and violent. Nowadays in an age of rapid technological advancement, the new mineral deposits continued to throw up discoveries which the fossil energy cover far more than the 1% of the Earth. Even if humans stop emitting greenhouse gases, global change will still continue for a long long time because of this reason.
Exploitation quantity of global coal, crude oil and natural gas Vs ENSO frequency of occurrence output (add up) (unit: billion ton, trillion m2 )
Time             Coal                  Crude oil         Natural gas         ENSO frequency of occurrence
1649-1879                                                                             Closely related to submarine volcanic eruption.
1880-1980   1500 (1500)     517 (517)        30 (30)                Happen once between 2 and 7 years, duration is about 1year.
1981-2005   1125 (2625)     440 (957)      20 (50)           Time interval of occurrence is 3 years around, duration is about 15 months, time lag of several El Nino events from 1990’s of last century to now is only half year around, and long one is no less than 2 years, duration can reach 3 years.
Sometimes oil companies inject compressed air or CO2 into the well to push the oil out is used for other purposes, for example, increase production etc. and never restoring insulating layer again. Moreover; oil companies inject compressed air or CO2 into the well to push the oil out not only without so great pressure before mining but also the cumulative exploitation of the total output is out of proportion to the oil companies inject compressed air or CO2. So this air or CO2 don't have insulation effect. Underlaying surface temperature increment and rise of deep sea temperature after the destruction of insulating layer, CH4 and water vapor etc. GHGs directly into the atmosphere which could escalate the severity of the greenhouse effect. Water vapor is one of the most important GHGs.
Global climate will long-term warming if energy mining does not stop. Such a significant heat source, degradation of vegetation cover and widespread loss of soil organic matter  have pervasive effects.
The research from Amanda Scott et al. from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA, US) showed that global warming is now irreversible and in an accelerating trend. Even if humans stop emitting greenhouse gases, global warming will still continue for 1000 years. This conclusion denies the greenhouse effect theory of climate change, suggesting that global warming is caused by other factors.
The report issued by the American authorities in January 2015 said that global warming has become norm and meteorological history records show the average ground temperature has increased 0.8℃. As a result, not only lead to global warming but also caused ecological and environmental disaster. Rob Westawaya’s study also demonstrates dissipation of a subsurface thermal anomaly by heat transport into the atmosphere. This indicates that warming of the atmosphere will be sustained in the future by dissipation of the large amount of energy stored in pre-existing subsurface thermal anomalies on a global scale, an issue of major societal implications that demands more detailed investigation. (Science of The Total Environment, Volume 508, 1 March 2015, Pages 585–603)
The northern latitudes are rich in coal, oil, natural gas and shale gas resources. As the Former Soviet and Russia mass industrial overexploitation, today's the Arctic Ocean you could hardly see floating ice in the summer. The Antarctic ice sheet will melt completely once fossil energy is mined from rock formations inside the southern latitudes. This is not just alarmist talk.
When you feel puzzled for some extreme climate events, natural hazards, ecological disasters, etc., you might as well use this standpoint.
Only if find true cause for contributing to climate change human society could effectively handle to face the challenge.
I will be greatly grateful if you could spare time to read my papers (Please find attachments).
I hope to make more exchange and communication with you about the climate change.
Communist China, PRC, controlled by the Communist Party of China

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