Wednesday, April 27, 2016

A talk at Stanford by visiting author Kim Stanley Robinson on cli-fi as his much-anticipated new novel ''NEW YORK 2140''

A talk by visiting author Kim Stanley Robinson
A talk at Stanford by visiting author Kim Stanley Robinson  on  ''cli-fi'' as his much-anticipated new novel ''NEW YORK 2140'' prepares for publication on March 21, 2017 (Spring Equinox Day).
Water Futures and Fictions: A Lecture on Cli-fi, Climate Change and Speculative Fiction
by Kim Stanley Robinson
May 3, 2016
5 pm to 7 pm
As part of the 2015-2016 Environmental Humanities Project seminar on Drougt, acclaimed author Kim Stanley Robinson will deliver a lecture titled "Water Futures and Fictions,” addressing cli-fi and themes of climate change and water in California. 
Robinson earned a Ph.D. in literature at the University of California San Diego. In addition to The Novels of Philip K. Dick, a work of criticism based on his dissertation, Robinson is the author of 4 novellas, 8 short story collections, and 17 novels. Many of these writings explore themes of ecological sustainability, the relationship between nature and culture, and the civic role of scientists. 
In the lecture, Robinson will read from “Sacred Space,” a piece of his climate change trilogy, recently compressed into the 2015 omniubs Green Earth, and address the place of climate change in cli-fi novels and movies and in speculative fiction novels. An except from that text is available here.

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