Thursday, March 10, 2016

From the Cli-Fi Mailbox, part 2, March 11, 2016 - from Robert Balmanno, author of Cli-Fi series BLESSINGS OF GAIA

We got mail!

From Robert Balmanno

Hi Dan.

Yes, you may call my dystopian series 'cli-fi.' I love it. Wow, this is really cool! You've really made my day with this contact info. I'll be doing a book-signing at Barnes and Noble San Jose Steven's Creek March 12, and B & N Almaden--San Jose April 2, and B & N Santa Monica (LA area) on April 23-- all between 11:00 to 5:00 p.m. 

It's been arranged through my publisher that I'm to meet with a film-maker when I visit the Southland -- first time that's ever happened to me! Course don't want to presume anything, probably nothing will pan out, but hope eternal. Dan, let's keep in touch.  Cool to make your acquaintance.

Sincerely yours, Robert Balmanno.


PS: Stay in touch with me and you'll be the first to get advance notice about future books in the Blessings of Gaia cli-fi series and upcoming promotional events.

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