Thursday, March 10, 2016

Coming Events in the Cli-Fi World: March 2016 - February 2017

Coming Events in the Cli-Fi World:

.... March 2016 - February 2017

1. Mette Kjaersgaard in Denmark is writing a news article about Nathaniel Rich's Cli-fi Novel ODDS AGAINST TOMORROW. Article to appear March 15 in Denmark magazine. Link here later.

2. A major British publication is poised to release soon -- March 25 -- a major cli-fi genre SCOOP, with a UK reporter in London doing an article that probes into how UK, Australia and USA publishers are reacting to and dealing with the influx of cli-fi novels since NPR's Angela Evancie broke the story first in April 2013.

2.3 -- APRIL 22 -- American humorist Brian Adams released his new cli-fi romcom novel titled KABOOM! (with an exclamation mark in the title!!!!!) SEE:

2.5 -- APRIL 22-23 -- An international cli-fi workshop for academics in Germany with 36 experts particpating and delivering papers in English.

3. MAY 1, 2016 -- Charlene D'Avanzo, ''cli-fi mystery'' author of ''COLD BLOOD, HOT SEA,'' releases her first novel in the 3-book series with Torrey House Press in Utah. National laydown. This blog was the first to interview Dr D'Avanzo when the novel was still in search of an agent and publisher, and we offered our advice on her to find both. However, Dr D'Avanzo found her agent, her publisher and her editor ALL ON HER OWN, using our suggestions but finally relying on our her own network of friends and contacts to land the big one: a very good agent who landed the big fish: Torey House Press.

4. SEPTEMBER 1, 2016 --  Meg Little Reilly releases her debut cli-fi novel ''WE ARE UNPREPARED'' to a national audience of reades of literary fiction.

5. SEPTEMBER 2016 -- Fall semester in the UK and USA on college campuses with more and more cli-fi classes on the menu and on tap. LINKS coming soon. If details or info, please send here

6.  Janary 2017 -- major Hollywood cli-fi film releases January 13, 2017 worldwide, titled GEOSTORM, see google for details and imdb. PRODUCER DEAN DEVLIN!  
UPDATE: Robert Sheehan will be an astrophysicist in the upcoming cli-fi flick  ! In cinemas January 13, 2017 | Via

7. February - March 2017 -- world premiere of Tira Palmquist's cli fi stage play in Denver for a run there, titled TWO DEGREES.

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