Thursday, March 17, 2016

Cli-Fi Research News -- The Promise of ''Cli-Fi''

Cli-Fi Research News -- The Promise of Cli-Fi
"Reimagining Climate Change", edited by Wapner & Elver includes a chapter in which the author writes that our failure to effectively address climate change is in large part a failure of literary imagination.
'The Promise of cli-fi : Imagination, storytelling, and the politics of the future' by the author takes a fresh look at climate change and challenges readers to consider how our collective capacity to cope with this challenge of our times is limited in large part by our lack of literary imagination, both in terms of how we conceptualize the problem and in the solutions we put forward. The author explores the role of cli-fi as a tool for the imagination and examines how this genre of storytelling can help one think differently about the problem and perhaps approach it from an alternative perspective. Analyzing three pieces of cli-fi: Barbara Kingsolver's Flight Behaviour, Margaret Atwood's MaddAddam Trilogy, and George Turner's The Sea and the Summer, the author's chapter in the book offers several lessons learned including meaning-making and complex systems thinking. The promise of cli-fi offers something new and begins an exploration into an area of research that is working at, if not dismantling, the boundaries of social science, arts, and the humanities.
Full Citation:
The Promise of Cli-Fi - Imagination, Storytelling and the Politics of the Future. In Wapner, Paul and Hilal Elver (eds.) Reimagining Climate Change. Routledge Publishing
Cli-Fi Research News -- The Promise of Cli-Fi (2016)

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