Saturday, February 6, 2016

University of Florida's IMAGINING CLIMATE CHANGE forum on Feb. 17-18 features top 'cli-fi' writer from France Mr. Yann Quero and French Eco-critic Par Excellence Christian Chelebourg

The University of Florida's IMAGINING CLIMATE CHANGE forum on Feb. 17-18 features French cli-fi author Yann Quero and veteran French eco-critic Christian Chelebourg (and a pair of American  novelists, top SF writer Tobias Buckell and savvy Weird Fiction writer Jeff  Vandermeer, dubbed "The Weird Thoreau" by the New Yorker magazine'), among other forum speakers. It promises to be a very interesting event in Gainesville, well-organized Dr Harpold amd with great panels on hand. There might even be some live-tweeting during some events so stay tuned to the Twitter feed.


Meet Yann Quero!

In addition, some interesting added-value news, since this is an international blog with an international audience, a cli-fi writer from France is coming to the UF forum, too, Mr Yann Quero.

Some background news about this fascinating man is here below:

In a recent email to this blog, after I made contact with him via his publishesr, Mr Quero told me:
"Yes, indeed, I  wrote several climate fictions, notably two novels" : 

"The White Man's Trial" ("Le Procès de l'Homme Blanc"), in 2005.
 "The Future Will No Longer Be What It Once Was" ("L'avenir ne sera plus ce qu'il était"), in 2010.

''And I also edited an anthology of short stories by 14 authors on climate change:
"Global warming and after..." ("Le réchauffement climatique et après..."), in 2014.


[So far, those books have only been published in French].
Yann also noted:
"I am also very fond of Japan, where I have been several times. By the way, two of my "Japanese" short-stories has just been re-published by the magazine "M@nuscrit" (n°18 and 19). 
"Fukushima's cats" and "Hayashi-san's Green Headband".
If your blog readers can read French, they can have a look at the following links:

another story more linked to global warming has been published in daily newspaper "Liberation" in 2013:
In addition,

here is Yann Quero's very interesting blog, in French:

Finally, here's a list in which his books figure, as well as two of Jean-Marc Ligny's, a list you may find interesting:

The recent killer quake news from Taiwan is most disturbing but it appears that, while the damage has been significant in some parts of the island nation, especially the south, the lives lost have been surprisingly few, given the force of the Feb. 6 earthquake. One’s heart aches for those whose loved ones have died or have had  their homes destroyed.

We all need to remember that the physical world operates under forces that are not at all concerned with our petty aspirations, as individuals and as a civilization. We must be vigilant for those times when our narcissism leaves us vulnerable, or other species of the planet vulnerable, to these forces.

One place where this kind of awareness is strong among faculty members, and especially with Terry Harpold, is the University of Florida, particularly with regard to fighting the good fight to keep the humanities front and center in the discussions. 

The second installment of the university's “Imaging Climate Change” colloquia opens in just under two weeks.  February 17 - 18, I believe. You can attend or follow the forum via tweets and even some live-tweeting.
“Imagining Climate Change”

University of Florida,
February 17–18
1. “Imagining Climate Change” will engage authors, scholars, scientists, and the general public in the vital work of imagining our collective climate futures. The Spring 2016 colloquium will bring award-winning and influential French and American ''cli-fi'' authors and climate scientists to the UF campus to dialogue with UF faculty and researchers in the humanities, climate studies, and water management, and to explore new ways of representing and responding to environmental change.
2. The colloquium begins on February 17, with a plenary roundtable co-hosted by the UF Water Institute as part of the Institute’s 5th Biennial Symposium. The roundtable will feature Jay Famiglietti, Ellen E. Martin, and Yann Quero, among others.
3. The colloquium concludes on February 18 with individual talks by Christian Chelebourg, Ellen E. Martin, Yann Quero, and others.
4. All events are presented in English or simultaneous English translation and are free and open to the public. See for a schedule of event locations and times, interviews with the authors, and excerpts of their work in climate science and ''cli-fi'' fiction.
CONTACT INFO: For additional information, please contact Terry Harpold or Alioune Sow
NOTE RE SPONSORS: “Imagining Climate Change” is co-sponsored by the France-Florida Research Institute, the Center for African Studies, the Center for the Humanities and the Public Sphere, the Department of English, the Florida Climate Institute at the University of Florida, the George A. Smathers Libraries, the Science Fiction Working Group, the UF Water Institute, and Storm Richards and Jeanne Fillman-Richards. Colloquium events are made possible with the support of the Cultural Services of the French Embassy in the United States.

Florida's ''IMAGINING CLIMATE CHANGE'' forum Feb. 17 features 2 top climate novelists 

Terry Harpold
Editor, ImageTexT
Associate Professor
Director of Graduate Student Teaching & General Education
Department of English, University of Florida

Ex ignorantia ad sapientiam
E luce ad tenebras

Yann Quero

Sa biographie
Passionné par l’altérité des civilisations, les mythologies et l’environnement, Yann Quero a fait des études d’arts et de langues orientales, avant de suivre un parcours balisé de métiers et d’expériences à travers le monde, du journalisme à l’enseignement, en passant par la responsabilité de projets de coopération internationale. Yann Quero a publié quatre romans, coordonné trois anthologies et écrit une trentaine de nouvelles oscillant entre les genres historiques, fantastiques et de science-fiction. On lui doit également plusieurs essais sur la littérature en relation avec le monde asiatique. Ses textes ont notamment été publiés dans des journaux ou revues tels que : Libération, Le Monde Diplomatique, Solaris, Lunatique, Galaxies, Géante Rouge, Les vagabonds du rêve, Etherval, Res Futurae… Il est également l’auteur de poèmes, surtout inspirés des formes orientales, publiés par des revues françaises et étrangères, comme : Le Capital des mots, Cirrus, L’écho de l’étroit chemin, Haiku Canada Review, Pantouns ou Revista Haiku, et traduits notamment en anglais, en malais et en roumain.

L'avenir ne sera plus ce qu il était Yann Quero
1er janvier 2036, des vaisseaux aliens arrivent au voisinage de la Terre et annoncent que le réchauffement climatique a atteint un point de non-retour qui menace l'existence de la vie sur la planète. Ils proposent d'aider les hommes...



Some ntoes of Jeff Vandermeer's new trilogy being develped into a cool movie and his literary reps:

Sally Harding at The Cooke Agency which represents authors of literary and commercial fiction (including science fiction, fantasy and crime); narrative-driven nonfiction in the areas of health and well-being, popular culture, science, history, natural history, politics, and personal reference; and young adult and children's books. We do not represent poetry, picture books, or screenplays.

Sally Harding is a Literary Agent and co-owner of The Cooke Agency and Cooke International. Her list is largely (although not entirely) research-based non-fiction, and the more literary end of science fiction, fantasy, and crime. Rather than being restrained by the accustomed boundaries of geography or genre, she determines the channels through which each work will find its best audience. She is interested in developing careers (not just single works) with writers who are deeply engaged with their subject and their craft. This is not only about how they put words on a page, or the stories those words reveal, but the larger human questions and dilemmas the writer is trying to resolve through their work. Being both a Canadian and a New Zealander, she cheers loudly for both countries, until faced with Canada vs. All Blacks. She is on the board of the Vancouver Writers Fest and is a member of the Association of Authors’ Representatives. She is on Twitter: @SallyHardingTCA

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