Friday, February 26, 2016

In some future time, say 2085, people will look back at the rise of cli-fi in 2015 and wonder why and how it grew. Who knew?

Cli-fi has no canon, no school, no leader. It belongs to all who embrace it. Use it as you will.

In some future time, say 2085, people will look back at the rise of cli-fi in 2015 and wonder why and how it grew. Who knew?

Do you cli-fi? Do you "do" cli-fi? Do you read or write or research cli-fi? Welcome aboard.

Cli-fi exists not to promote careers or obtain research grants or government funding. No, cli-fi just is. And rising.

Cli-fi is rising, yes. It's in the air. It's time has come. There is no wormhole that can stop it.

In the best of all possible worlds, there would be no need for cli-fi. Unfortunately, we live in cli-fi times. In a cli-fi world. Face it.

This is the Age of Cli-Fi, in the Antropocene, after the Holocene. It's not a pretty picture, is it?

Who invited you to the house of cli-fi? No one. You came of your own accord, to look, to see. It's an open house.

You write cli-fi because it gets under your skin and you can no longer look away. Peer into the future and tell us what you see.

The house of cli-fi welcomes everyone. Come in, look around, take a seat. There are books to read. And write.

I never met a future I didn’t like. No, that can’t be true. Some futures spell the end of humankind. It’s in the cards. Choose your exit.

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