Wednesday, February 10, 2016


*** All translations created in Taiwan by a good Taiwanese friend, Dr. Sveta Lin. ''Shieh shieh!''

*** Translations into Chinese: 8 more to follow here this week for readers and authors in Taiwan, Taiwan, HK, Macao and Malaysia (and other Chinese-speaking territories)



        - 丹布隆 (Dan Bloom)

 Cli-fi isn't a marketing term or a bookstore shelving category, and it's more than a literary term. It's a password into the future and those who know it, know.  

       -Dan Bloom, editor, ''The Cli-Fi Report''

[ 註:cli-fi是climate film的縮寫詞,由Dan Bloom於2008年所創;想用簡單易記的詞,引起人們對於全球暖化及氣候變遷的關注。Dan Bloom素食主義者;其一生的志業是為地球環境盡一份力。

[關於全球暖化 2]


- 丹布隆

 Climate change is more than a fact of life. It is the result of human ingenuity, greed, rapaciousness and fear. Fear not: cli-fi is here. Write it.

  -- Dan Bloom

[關於全球暖化 3]

-- 丹布隆

''If cli-fi is one thing, it's a chance to choose our future. One door leads here, another door leads there. Choose wisely: Your descendants are waiting. ''

  --Dan Bloom

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If we could see CO2, smell it, know that is there, overloaded, we might be able to put out the fires. But it is invisible, odorless. – Dan Bloom

[關於全球暖化 5]

- 丹布隆

Sorry to say, but this is how 'cli-fi' is going to be, in the Anthropocene Era. Just 12 letters, spelling ''doom.''
- Dan Bloom



[關於全球暖化 6]



--- 丹布隆

If on first sight or hearing the rising new literary term "cli-fi" makes you feel strange at first sight, don't give up on it yet. With time, you will come to see it for what it is. 
--- Dan Bloom




[關於全球暖化 7]

我從來沒有遇過我不喜歡的未來。不,那不會是真的。有些未來招致人類的結局。它是很有可能的。選擇你的出路。   --- 丹不隆

I never met a future I didn’t like. No, that can’t be true. Some futures spell the end of humankind. It’s in the cards. Choose your exit.    --- Dan Bloom

[關於全球暖化 8]

在所有的最佳可能世界裡, cli-fi就不會是必要的。不幸的是, 我們生活在cli-fi的時代。在cli-fi的世界。面對它吧。-- 丹布隆

In the best of all possible worlds, there would be no need for cli-fi. Unfortunately, we live in cli-fi times. In a cli-fi world. Face it.   -- Dan Bloom

[關於全球暖化 9]


你可能不想走往cli-fi之路,沒關係。它不是一幅漂亮的圖畫,也不是快樂的自拍照。它是災難,以突出的形式。 ----

You might not want to go down the cli-fi road, and that's okay. It's not a pretty picture, not a happy selfie. It's disaster, writ large. ---- Dan Bloom


[關於全球暖化 10]

人們看不見未來,cli-fi是難以覺察的。但我們講述的那些故事將事關緊要,哪怕都是多餘的。 ---- 丹布隆

One cannot see the future, cli-fi is blind. But the stories we tell will matter, even if it is all for naught. ---- Dan Bloom


A bullet ( ) is a kind of English -language typography. It is a symbol or glyph used to introduce the parts of a list. Bullets can be used to draw attention to specific ideas or thoughts, to enhance to look of a list and make the page easier to read and to add white space to the page. ''The Pensées'' (literally "thoughts") is a collection of fragments on theology and philosophy written by 17th-century philosopher and mathematician Blaise Pascal. '' cli-fi bullets'' (with a  bullet as part of the lowercase title) -- and might be a small chapbook someday by a small press that specializes in literary fiction and philosophy -- is modelled on this genre of literature.

The author of ''cli-fi bullets,'' Dan Bloom


In some future time, say 2085, people will look back at the rise of cli-fi in 2015 and wonder why and how it grew. Who knew?

Do you cli-fi? Do you "do" cli-fi? Do you read or write or research cli-fi? Welcome aboard.

Cli-fi exists not to promote careers or obtain research grants or government funding. No, cli-fi just is. And rising.

Cli-fi is rising, yes. It's in the air. It's time has come. There is no wormhole that can stop it.

In the best of all possible worlds, there would be no need for cli-fi. Unfortunately, we live in cli-fi times. In a cli-fi world. Face it.

This is the Age of Cli-Fi, in the Antropocene, after the Holocene. It's not a pretty picture, is it?

Who invited you to the house of cli-fi? No one. You came of your own accord, to look, to see. It's an open house.

You write cli-fi because it gets under your skin and you can no longer look away. Peer into the future and tell us what you see.

The house of cli-fi welcomes everyone. Come in, look around, take a seat. There are books to read. And write.

I never met a future I didn’t like. No, that can’t be true. Some futures spell the end of humankind. It’s in the cards. Choose your exit.

1 comment:

  1. Danny,

    I see that your Chinese is improving ! It will soon be as good as my Slovak.

