Sunday, January 24, 2016

Movie inSIGHTS: Cli-fi documentary "Tomorrow" sets sights on global audience

French director Mélanie Laurent's powerful and gripping environmental documentary film Tomorrow was the biggest theatrical cli-fi docu of 2015, and for 2016 things are looking up even more, as the the top-grossing French documentary -- a
documentary-cum-road movie -- [inspired by the publication of a study forecasting the possible extinction of HUmankind by 2100, sigh...] -- does boffo box office worldwide now. Laurent and co-director Cyril Dion travelled to 10 countries on the hunt for the reasons for, and solutions to, some of the major environmental issues facing the world. You want to see this cli-fi-docu!

''Tomorrow'' - co-directed by Cyril Dion and Mélanie Laurent

Many things have been tried to resolve the ecological and economic crises. They haven’t really worked. According to Nobel Peace Prize laureate Mohammed Yunnus, the strongest driving force in human beings is their desire and their imagination. He believes that today we must make films and tell stories that spark the desire to build another world. This is what Cyril Dion and Mélanie Laurent decided to do by lining up known solutions in all spheres side-by-side to show what our society could look like tomorrow…


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