Sunday, January 10, 2016

An Imperialist Inherits the Earth: 'Howards End' in the Anthropocene"

This blog can now report that Ted Howell -- a Temple University Phd candidate  -- has just learned his essay "''An Imperialist Inherits the Earth: 'Howards End' in the Anthropocene''" will be published in the Modern Language Quarterly in the spring 2017 issue.  BRAVO Dr Howell!
The essay was his first experience with real, rigorous peer review was rewarding and invigorating -- ["I can't say enough about how improved the essay is after getting multiple rounds of (really invested and super-quick!) feedback. MLQ's editor, Marshall Brown, and the two readers were spectacular," Ted notes.]
and he adds: "It won't revIt won't revolutionize the field, but my essay might change the way you think about the ending of 'Howards End,' how you feel about Leonard Bast, and give you some ideas about how we can talk about modernism and the Anthropocene in light of turn-of-the-century environmental history and philosophy. If you're into that sort of thing, of course...."

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