Monday, December 28, 2015

Holyoke Community College Spring 2016 Semester prepares for second cli-fi class in two years

HCC Spring 2016 Registration announcement:

“Cli-Fi: Stories and Science of the Coming Climate Apocalypse” is a Learning Community combining English 102 and ESC 120 (an 4-hour credit science lab course). 
Taught by HCC Professors Elizabeth Trobaugh and Steven Winter
Cli-fi is a new genre of literature and cinema -- derived from the longer term CLIMATE FICTION -- that deals explicitly with the current climate change catastrophe that, while often grim, can offer hope for the future.  We’ll read a variety of cli-fi short stories from I’m With the Bears: Short Stories from a Damaged Planet, edited by Mark Martin, Verso; a major novel of the subgenre, The Windup Girl, by Paolo Bacigalupi; and, of course, a wide range of poetry, from the Romantics to the present-day. 
Our Cli-Fi Learning Community will also explore the science behind climate change through a critical reading of the popular Earth science college text, Essentials of Geology, by Frederick Lutgens and Edward Tarbuck.


Holyoke Community College in western Massachusetts is [offering a] course in “Cli-Fi: Stories and Science of the Coming Climate Apocalypse.” Cli-Fi is the climate fiction genre - dubbed cli-fi by its coiner, a climate activist, devoted to stories about future global warming crises. The course's textbook is The Windup Girl, by Paolo Bacigalupi, a novel that received a Hugo Award in 2010.


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