Thursday, December 17, 2015

Federico Nanut in Italy has published a ''cli-fi'' novel titled JODISSEA (Amazon link to cover in Italian here)

Federico Nanut, who lives in Italy, is the author of a cli-fi novel set in the future, whose main character, Jody, is a salesman who, in a twist to normal apparel concepts, sells clothes that can keep people cool, since the weather in the Age of Global Warming is hot due to man-made global warming (AGW) . But Jody's boss is a bit on the shady sire and his products don't actually work in keeping people COOL in the increasing hot days of global warming, and as result poor Jody has to face a lot of complaints from his customers. The novel was written with a dramatic scenario with an ironic touch.
 ''Jodissea'' is available at the present time only in the Italian language. Readers may see more information about it on the publisher


La storia è ambientata in una città italiana non ben definita, in un futuro abbastanza lontano. Un futuro dal clima torrido. Jodi è un precario (sì, nel ventiduesimo secolo questo non è cambiato) che vende vestiti termorefrigeranti per un vecchio truffaldino. Ma gli affari vanno male, così il capo impone a Jodi un ulteriore incarico: sorvegliare il nipote, Sasha, che ha manifestato intenzioni suicide. Perché lo zio ha sottoscritto una polizza sulla vita del ragazzo, tra le cui clausole una prevede l’annullamento della liquidazione se il decesso è causato da un suicidio prima che siano trascorsi ventiquattro mesi dalla stipula del contratto.
Jodi diventa l’ombra del ragazzo a cui, al di là di ogni aspettativa, passa la voglia di farla finita, scacciata dall’ossessione per una donna che esercita il mestiere più antico del mondo. Quando la donna scompare, il giovane Sasha obbliga il povero Jodi a cercarla.
Personaggi ambigui e surreali, come surreali e a tratti esilaranti sono i dialoghi e le situazioni che attraversano questo romanzo, futurista ma non inverosimile. Un romanzo godibilissimo, una cifra stilistica originale e densa di humour.
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About the Author

Federico Nanut ha 40’anni, una laurea in lingue e letterature straniere, e tanti lavori nel curriculum (copywriter, responsabile di una scuola d’inglese, consulente finanziario delle Poste…). Nel 2008 ha pubblicato con Excelsior1881 il suo primo romanzo ''In Africa saremmo già morti. '' -- his first novel from 2008.

The book was published in 2014, but completed  in 2012.
It has been mentioned in a niche magazine, plus a bit of buzz on the web ( VandA is a small publishing house in Italy.
The author uses Facebook:

INTERVIEW with USA reporter Dan Bloom

FEDERICO NANUT:  Basically I'm a copywriter, I've updated my skills learning how SEO (search engine optimization) works, but what I do for a living is writing. That's now, in the past I dealt with several jobs, like many great writers (but I've a sad feeling that this is the only aspect we have in common): I've managed an English school, sold financial products (a supposedly terrible thing I'll never do again, to paraphrase poor David), operated some websites and founded one aimed at creating a database of Italian tradesmen that give thorough information about labour and material costs ( it means “clear costs” in Italian).
I've never been interviewed about Cli-Fi before, also because you don't find much about this topic in the Italian media, even though some articles have appeared recently, after the Paris COP21 Climate Change Conference.
One day I may write a sequel of Jodissea, that's why it's useful that I read books and watch movies on Cli-Fi, because I always try to offer fresh (even when the story is set in a torrid world;-) content and discard ideas that others have already published.

QUESTION: Is the clifi term popular in Italy now, and if not, why not? 
FEDERICO NANUT:  As I said before, this definition is not very popular in Italy. I think there are various reasons: first of all, enviromental issues are a subject that gets less attention here than, let's say, in northern or Anglo-Saxon countries. Moreover, Italian science fiction hasn't a successful tradition, it has never generated a school like, for example, the Italian comedy. What I've written, too, is a kind of Cli-Fi that is less focused on technology and more on human beings.

QUESTION: Is the media in Italy interested in looking into the cli fi movies and novels and using the
FEDERICO NANUT:  Yes, nterest has been rising in the last weeks, after the Paris COP21 Conference; however it's difficult to say if it's just a temporary buzz or the beginning of a new trend.

LAST QUESTIOM: Do you have anything else you want to say? 
FEDERICO NANUT:   Yes, I believe in the power of fiction, of literature, of novels: I think that a good movie or novel can awake public opinion to global warming.  

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