Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Cli-fi class in Turin, ITALY plans to write email letters to this blog as part of students' inquiry into the origins and possibilities of the cli-fi genre

A Cli-fi class in Turin, ITALY plans to write email letters to The Cli Fi Report blog as part of students' inquiry into the origins and possibilities of the cli-fi genre. Stay tuned for more. Professor Daniela Fargione is teaching the class this semester and I suggested to her that I would be happy to answer students' questions about the cli-fi genre (as well as listening to their opinions and perspectives -- and replying to  their letters as well.

I am looking forward to the letters.
The Cli Fi Report site is as

STAY TUNED for more.

The annual Cli-Fi Movie Awards will be part of the discussion as well.

Perhaps I will ask the students how to translate into Italian the quotation above from the POGO comic strip panel -- "We have met the enemy and he is us."

NOTE: =============================================

Arpaia: «Vi racconto come vivremo l’incubo del surriscaldamento»

di Elisa Cozzarini Città sommerse dall'acqua, paesaggi desertificati, alluvioni, siccità, scenari apocalittici fanno da sfondo ai libri di climate fiction, un genere letterario nato nell'ambito...
Invia per email
di Elisa Cozzarini

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