Wednesday, December 16, 2015

An Academic Conference in Sweden on Cli-Fi as Rising Literary and Cinema Genre Invites Us to Attend with Observer Status

An Academic Conference in Sweden on Cli-Fi as Rising Literary and Cinema Genre Invites Us to Attend with Observer Status Without Speaking or Delivering a Paper or a Pre-Conference Essay

December 1, 2015

Dear Mr Bloom,

Thank you for your interest in our cli-fi workshop here in Sweden, with people coming in from all over Europe and Canada and the USA. We are aware of your 24/7 cli-fi PR work with social media, coining the term cli-fi in the particular way you have and with a certain purpose as well, and promoting novels and movies as forms of social activism to increase awareness about climate change.

These will certainly be topics at our upcoming conference here.  As sociologists and literary scholars, we will be discussing and analyzing these phenomena and look forward to your attending as an observer,  but however I regret to politely  inform you without contributing a paper of your own since we will be discussing things from an objective scholarly perspective, and you are neither an academic nor a PhD candidate.

Under the circumstances, a paper given by one of those social or climate activists like you, even as much as we admire you dogged perserverance and work on this meme, is probably not appropriate for our academic conference. We do track your Cli-Fi.Net blogs and your social media presence, among others, so in that sense you will be part of the conversation. Thanks for your interest, and if you can attend as an an individual observer status, you are more than welcome!

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