Saturday, December 26, 2015

Academia is digging deep into the origins and meaning of ''cli-fi'' in 2016


Yes, academia will be digging deep into the origins and meaning of ''cli-fi'' in 2016-- and here's why.

More than the mainstream stream newsmedia (MSN), often dubbed the lamestream news media, and more than Internet listicles of cli-fi movies and cli-fi novels, global academics (and the world -- universe! -- they inhabit) are digging deep into the origins and meaning of the cli fi genre for both novels and movies. While the always au-courant New York Times focuses on the posh trendy distractions and the inane, along with NPR and the entire North American mediasphere....academia, more than any other platform alive today, is getting serious about cli-fi.

Of course, the ultimate test for cli-fi will be the publication of more and more cli-fi novels of substance by major publishing houses worldwide, from Random House to Villard, from FSG to Cannongate, along with future cli-fi movies like GEOSTORM, coming soon in January 2017 from a major Hollywood studio...and hopefully the USA and UK publishing houses will start paying more attention to cli-fi novels in 2016 and 2017 and all the way up to 2099! There is work to do! Books to read!

For the time being, it's academia (and curious and deep-diving academics) leading the way. Time will tell, maybe even TIME magazine! The next 10 years will be pivotal as cli-fi rises to new heights worldwide, in many languages and not just English.

Stay tuned to your Google Search window for news links daily. Google "Cli-fi" and see the results.

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