Saturday, December 5, 2015

2 climate-themed literature and cinema websites cooperate in reaching out to writers, literary critics, book reviewers, academics and reporters

Two climate-themed literature and cinema websites are cooperatng in reaching out to writers, literary critics, book reviewers, academics and reporters on issues of grave importance as man-made global warming continues to rachet up the anxieties and concerns impacting humankind worldwide. This blog here extends a warm welcome to Mary Woodbury's website on issues that concern us all, as Mary's site has extended a warm welcome to ''The Cli-Fi Report'' as well. Together, and joining in with other global websites focusing on the same issues, we can make a small difference and shine the spotlight on what matters here.
In a recent blog post at her site on climate-themed sources -- Mary noted:

''The Cli-Fi Report is described as a research tool -- -- for academics and media professionals to use in gathering information and reporting on the rise of the term “cli-fi” world-wide''
Thank you, Mary.

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