Sunday, November 29, 2015

Peter Gould goes for gold in a serious yet comic cli-fi novel sure to knock your Vermont socks off!

The novel?


''a novel in once voice.''

FROM the REVIEW by Kevin O’Connor:

''Gould, whose past novels have been produced by two of New York’s most prestigious publishers, is releasing “Marly” through Green Writers Press, a Vermont imprint aiming to spread the state’s environmental ethos by giving a percentage of its proceeds to such causes as the grassroots climate-crisis group

''The Brattleboro-based outfit will print Gould’s communal farm memoir “Life Is Short Eat More Pie” early next year. But with wind projects and proposals generating headlines in such towns as Grafton, Irasburg, Sheffield, Swanton and Windham, the author knows his present book will resonate well into the future.

“‘Marly’ is fiction — the woman with that name is purely imaginary,” Gould says, “but the ridgelines she loves are real, and some of the problems and conflicts that come with our rapid embrace of alternative energy will not be leaving us soon.”

Kevin O’Connor, a former staffer of the Rutland Herald and Barre-Montpelier Times Argus, is a Brattleboro-based writer. Email:

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