Monday, November 2, 2015

Jean-Marc Ligny, French sci fi / cli-fi novelist likes the cli-fi term! NEWS ITEM

''Hello Dan,
J'ai vu Jean-Marc Ligny à lui ai parlé de toi et de cli fi et de votre website "the cli fi report"

Il n’utilise pas lui-même le terme cli-fi ........mais veut bien le revendiquer pour son œuvre....... (tout au moins la partie climatique .........: 3 derniers romans et quelques nouvelles).

Je lui ai transmis l'adresse de




"I saw Jean-Marc Ligny in Paris and I spoke to him briefly about the cli fi term and its media background and also about the website He said that while he himself does not use the cli fi term ..he would like to know more about it and even claim it for his recent cli-fi work as he interested to hear about the term that was coined as a literary genre....... since his last 3 novels have strong climate themes.

I also gave him the website URL so he can look it over.''



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