Saturday, November 28, 2015

Good advice from Steve Maraboli about online gossip and rumors: STAY AWAY FROM IT ALL!

In this season of Christmas cheer and forgiveness and friendship, all of us online should listen to the wise words of Steve Maraboli.

h/t from a good friend

“Stay away from people who gossip and spread rumors. They are choosing the path of emotional bullying and negativity.” Steve Maraboli [.....So true and well said, Dr Maraboli!]

Dr. Steve Maraboli is a life-changing Speaker, bestselling Author, and Behavioral Science Academic. His empowering words, strategic insights, and social philosophies have been shared and published throughout the world in more than 25 languages.

Dr. Steve has delivered his inspiring, entertaining, and unforgettable speeches in over 30 countries. His quotes and videos have become a social media sensation, being shared by millions across the globe and earning him the designation of, “The most quoted man alive.” 

Dr. Steve Maraboli is a life-changing Speaker, bestselling Author, and Behavioral Science Academic. His empowering words, strategic insights, and social philosophies have been shared and published throughout the world in more than 25 languages.

Dr. Steve has delivered his inspiring, entertaining, and unforgettable speeches in over 30 countries. His quotes and videos have become a social media sensation, being shared by millions across the globe and earning him the designation of, “The most quoted man alive.” More about Steve

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