Friday, November 13, 2015

Free Consulting Services for 'Cli-Fi' Novelists, Screenwriters and Poets

Free Consulting Services for 'Cli-Fi' Novelists, Screenwriters and Poets


New tools for self-publishing your cli-fi novels have restarted the publishing industry. If you’ve ever been rejected by a publisher, you can still get your book out there. In just a few weeks, you can turn a completed manuscript into a printed book or an ebook. I can show you the way. You could see your first royalty payments in as little as 60 days! I’ve served as a consultant on several self-published cli-fi novels and one non-fiction history of cli-fi, and I can help walk you through the process of turning your publishing dreams into a reality.


I’ve been using Facebook and Twitter professionally since God-knows-when to promote my work with the cli-fi meme. I’ve also promoted my clients' independently published books via Facebook andTwitter. I can help you decide the best approach to using social media and email blasts to boost your cli-fi novel's PR visibility.


Let’s have a detailed discussion about your needs! Please email me at the address at the top of this page. Initial consultation is FREE. Second and third consultations are also FREE. In fact, all my work here is pro bono and I never charge for my assistance. It's all up to you!

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