Thursday, October 29, 2015

The ''Cli-Fi'' Gossip Grapevine (bookmark this link!)

The ''Cli-Fi'' Gossip Grapevine is a light-hearted look at the serious subjects of climate change literature and novels, including movies and literary criticism. All items confirmed by Google, and new items are always welcome by sending links to this blog [at above address top of the page.] Items will remain archived here, with new items posted as they cross our desk.

100. Ambrose Bierce wrote an early ''cli-fi'' short story titled ''FOR THE AKHOONED'' in 1909, believe it or not, and set it in the distant future of 4951. Professor Christian Chelebourg in France lobbed this news item over to us today in French and a big ''tip of the chapeau'' (hat tip) to him for it. See link:

99. U.C. Santa Cruz politics professor Ronnie Lipschutz has organized a conference to think more optimistically about the future and replace popular interest in dystopia with more encouraging utopian visions, both past and present:

98. Claire Gardner in Australia has written a very insightful essay on the state of cli-fi today as part of a thesis she is working on at ANU -- Australian National University -- in Canberra. While most reviewers have bent over backwards to praise Nat Rich's ODDS AGAINST TOMORROW, Dr Gardner takes him to task for not standing for the very ideas he was writing about. Read her essay for that alone! :

97.  Edward L. Rubin, a law professor at Vanderbilt University, has written a debut cli fi novel titled THE HEATSTROKE LINE (see cover above and find it on Amazon or at

96.  Did you know that French author Michael Houllebecq's last name, Houllebecq, is pronounced WELL-BECK. Yes! ''Submission'' was published in France, and now is translated to English by Lorin Stein. 

95. COP21? If you're counting down to COP21 -- *XX* days and counting -- some say it will be a colossal FAIL and here's why: 

94. Jessica George  at UI in Bloomington, Illinois. tells us her course proposal for teaching -focused "Fables for Tomorrow: Representations of Climate Change [Cli-fi] in Pop Culture" has been accepted and start time is sometime soon!  She is a PhD candidate and professor there.   

94. Eric Holthaus has written a speculative fiction cli-fi short story for MOTHERBOARD as the invitation of Brian Merchant: "Hypercane" at THIS COULD BECOME A BOOK if a savvy literary agent gives Eric a call. QUICK!

MORE ITEMS coming soon. Send in what YOU are hearing from around the world, too, include link and make it short. One sentence or two. THANKS

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