Friday, October 23, 2015

On a wing and a prayer...

In an insightftul forward to a  new anthology
of 'cli fi' short stories and poems, titled
"Winds of Change" and published in
Canada by Moon Willow Press,
another in a growing list of similar
cli-fi themed anthologies from
1. ''WE ARE THE BEARS'' to
2. ''Beacons: Stories From Our Not So Distant Future'' to
3. ''Loosed Upon The World: An Anthology of Climate Fiction.'' 
the American poet Michael Rothenberg,
founder of ''100,000 Poets for Change,'' notes:
''The realities of global warming and the decimation of the environment have eroded the parameters of time and space, and have turned the human psyche upside-down. The painful truth of the destruction brought on by the human race has jangled our nerves and imagination. We have pushed ourselves beyond our comfort zone to a nightmare world of broken dreams. We know what the future is like because the future is now.
''.....The environment is inside and outside of us all, and there is suffering and confusion. As a result, poets, writers, and artists of every discipline have begun a powerful and unceasing global analysis of what the world is, and what it will be like, for our children, as everything we thought we knew about our planet Earth has been compromised and set adrift.
"....The more I read this anthology, the more I understand the raw essentiality of this movement. We have seen quite a few anthologies of poetry spring up since the birth of 100TPC in 2011, but this is the first anthology specifically focused on issues of sustainability and the first to call out to fiction writers to join the discussion....
[Winds of Change: Short Stories about Our Climate is an anthology collection of 18 short stories about climate change.

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