Saturday, October 17, 2015

Meg Little Reilly's new cli-fi novel "WE ARE UNPREPARED" joins a crop of earlier cli-fi novels from Edan Lupecki, Claire Vaye Watkins and Emily St. John Mandel

Meg Little Reilly's new cli-fi novel "WE ARE UNPREPARED" was agented by her literary angel John Silbersack at Trident Media and successfully brought to MIRA books, an imprint of Harlequin, which is owned by HarperCollins, one of the ''Big 5'' Publishing Giants, for a September 2016 pub date.

"WE ARE UNPREPARED" joins a crop of earlier cli-fi novels from Edan Lupecki, Claire Vaye Watkins and Emily St. John Mandel, among others. Are cli-fi novels a trend? More than a trend. They are here to stay and many more are in the pipeline right now. The next 30 years will see a large crop of such CF novels. Stay tuned.

SYNOPSIS: An apocalyptic storm and its ensuing damage cause a troubled 30-something couple to re-evaluate their marriage. The novel relates the story of two self-assured and polished 30-somethings in the aftermath of a massive storm and the damage it causes..... MORE at LINK BELOW:

[Writer. Reader. Environmentalist. Recovering politico.]

Meg tweets: @MegLittleReilly
''Friends: I wrote a novel about the -- maybe -- end of the world. It drops 9/2016 from MIRA.''

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