Saturday, September 19, 2015

''While Glaciers Slept: Being Human in a Time of Climae Change'' (the backstory of a powerful nonfiction memoir about climate and family)

 UPDATE: Jerilynn Emily Jackson tweets today:

M Jackson ‏ @ msmlejackson Sep 2
''I'm moving today to Iceland for the next year on a U.S. Fulbright-National Science Foundation Arctic…''
''While Glaciers Slept: Being Human  in a Time of Climae Change'' (the informal and unofficial literary backstory of a powerful nonfiction memoir about climate and family)  [First printing was 1000 copies and it now in its second printing. BRAVO!]

''The book weaves together the parallel stories of what happens when the climates of a family and a planet change. [Jerilynn Emily Jackson, writing under the pen name of] M. Jackson, reveals how these events are deeply similar and intertwined. She tells the story of her parents struggles with cancer while describing in detail the planetary changes she witnessed in Africa, Alaska, and in Lower 48. Above all else, Jackson shows that even in the darkest of times there is clear reason for hope and light.'' -- Goodreads review

''Jackson weaves an existential tapestry of doom and gloom that is equal parts magic IQ and elevated EQ and ends with a paean to hope and optimism. It's not an easy book. It will take you places you don't want to go. But later you  will be glad you went.''
-- ''The Cli-Fi Report'' 


Congratulations to Emma Jackson, M.S. degree in 2011, at the University of Montana, on her publication of ''While Glaciers Slept,'' a book she wrote for her EVST Thesis, that will be published by Green Writers Press in Vermont. It’s about climate change, life, death, loss, grief and hope. Check it out on Amazon

Emily is currently is working on a doctorate in geography at the University of Oregon, where she is studying glaciers, climate change, and the Arctic. She also works for National Geographic, where you can read her bio. -- From the University of Montana website of the EVST program
[Environmental Studies Program]

HOW THE BOOK CAME TO BE A BOOK:  A savvy publisher heard that Emily Jackson had some offers on the table from several NYC publishing houses to publish what was her 2011 masters thesis, but apparently they wanted her to change a lot of things in her material. The publisher who got the book loved the mix of memoir and Earth sciences (siilar to Janisse Ray, ''Ecology of a Cracker Childhood'') and didn't want to change a thing. The result is the two women signed the contract, publisher and author, and an important climate-themed book was born.

Year of Masters Thesis Award


Defense Date

May 2011

Document Type

Thesis - Campus Access Only

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)

School or Department

Environmental Studies

Committee Chair





University of Montana


''WHILE GLACIERS SLEPT'' considers what it means to be human in this time of climate change.



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