Monday, September 7, 2015

Positive remarks on CHLOE AND THEO movie which garnered 99 percent negative reviews

This movie by itself cannot change much, but victory is made with many steps. Once these steps reach CRITICAL MASS, change WILL happen. We can't be cynical and simply give up because one little step doesn't appear to make a visible change.
10:21PM PDT on Sep 3, 2015
What a brilliant story based on a real-life character. I have personal experience with the Inuit peoples' and
this really resonates with me. Indeed, we must use narrative/storytelling
to effectively portray and impact individuals to take up challenges and
decide the time is now and was yesterday - we must act. Action is
eloquence! Time to act. We no longer have time to sit idly by - must become upstanders not fence-sitters and bystanders. I will be seeing this film soon as it comes out! Cheers!

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Sounds like an interesting film.

The politicians will pay attention when Washington D.C. and Manhattan, basically built on swamps just a few feet above sea level, are flooded.

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