Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Cli-Fi Short Story Contest at ASU to be judged by climate-fiction novelist Stan Robinson

Recently a very good and comprehensive blog run by eco-fiction archivist Mary Woodbury noted that cli-fi guru Manjana Milkoreit at Arizona State University’s Imagination and Climate Futures Initiative had the other day sent out a university press release announcing a cli-fi short story writing contest. She wrote, in an excerpt, paraphrasing Manjana's words, more or less:
Cli-fi stories have the power to take wake people up worldwide, and short stories, too, not just novels and movies.  The emerging genre of cli-fi, which ASU has championed vigorously over the past few years, epitomized by novels from such writers and Barbara Kingsolver, Nat Rich, Paolo Bacugalupi, Kim Stanley Robinson and Margaret help us imagine possible futures shaped by man-made AGW and climate change.

The Imagination and Climate Futures Initiative and the College for Liberal Arts and Sciences at Arizona State University are proud to announce the 2016 Cli-Fi Short Story Contest. The contest will be judged by literary legend Kim Stanley Robinson, award-winning author of many foundational works in the cli-fi genre, along with other cli-fi mate at ASU.

The grand-prize winner will be awarded $1000, with three additional finalists receiving book bundles signed by award-winning cli-fi author Paolo Bacigalupi. A collection of the best submissions will be published in an online anthology, and ''considered'' for possible publication in the journal Issues in Science and Technology.

To submit an entry, please click on the button below and complete the form (all fields are required) with your story (up to 5,000 words) using one of the following file types: .pdf, .doc, .docx, .rtf, .txt. The file must not contain any information about yourself or anything that would enable the reader to identify you as the author. Entrants are allowed to submit up to a maximum of 3 stories, each submitted separately with the same author information for each entry.
The deadline for submission is January 15, 2016. Submission review will begin after January 15th, 2016 with the finalists announced some in the month of April 2016 -- but not on April Fools Day that's for sure.

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