Wednesday, August 19, 2015

With Cli-Fi Now Established As a Literary Genre, It's Time Now to Sit Back and Wait for The Barrage of Cli-Fi Novels To Start Arriving from Publishers Large and Small by Authors Well-Known and Just Starting Out and Acquired by Editors on the Lookout for the Next Big Thing and Reviewed by Literary Critics Set to Make a Name for Themselves as Cli-Fi Rises and Takes the World by Storm,

NOTE: With Cli-Fi Now Established As a Literary Genre, (see quote below), .........It's Time Now to Sit Back and Wait for The Barrage of Cli-Fi Novels To Start Arriving from Publishers Large and Small........ by Authors Well-Known and Just Starting Out .........and Acquired by Editors on the Lookout for the Next Big Thing .........and Reviewed by Literary Critics Set to Make a Name for Themselves Cli-Fi Rises ........and Takes the World by Storm.
QUOTE:  ''The term "cli-fi" has achieved solid standing in discussions of contemporary fiction, as many references suggest, from the NY Times to the the Guardian to Sierra Club magazine to National Public Radio and many more - -and everyone involved in the cli-fi movement must be comfortable and gratified in that understanding. Yes, to use an old farmer's phrase, the 'cli-fi horse is long out of the barn' and has made its mark in popular entertainment, because it crystalizes our various concerns about what may await us and our children, it's effective and useful.
Cli-fi is established in the world and now it's time for the novels and movies to 'show and tell' of its power to impact people (and maybe world leaders, too)."

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