Saturday, August 29, 2015

"What is a good apocalyptic cli-fi movie?" a Redditor named ''taiwanisacountry'' asks at Reddit today

He asks: "I'm writing a paper on sustainability issues in cli-fi movies for class, and can't seem to find any cli-fi movies besides insanely popular ones such as Interstellar, Mad Max, Wall-E, The Day After Tomorrow. Any suggestions? via


merry722 ''The Road''...................

fathomghost ''Waterworld could be interesting.''...............

Wrathofthefallen aks ''What's cli-fi?''...............

fallen_seraph says "Recent one, though I haven't watched it yet is 'The Young Ones'. It is on Netflix.".....................

ZorroMeansFoxr/Movies Veteran says "Here's a fantastic film with a mystical tone: Peter Weir's The Last Wave: ".......................

merry722 - ''Book of Eli'', alright, not good.................

Also suggests ''TAKLUB'' from the Philippines director Brillante Mendoza and ''CLEO AND THEO"

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