Friday, August 7, 2015

Ivan Schneider explains how ''cli-fi'' has superceded ''sci-fi'' in the Age of Global Warming

''At the dawn of the age of rocketry, science fiction awakened us to the limitless possibilities of life among the stars, leading successive generations to dream up and build technological marvels.''

''At the twilight of the coal and oil economy, climate fiction has to spur the generations alive today to invent new strategies for adapting and surviving in a painful-to-imagine future, a future that we must reimagine with all the imagination we can muster.''

Climate fiction has a dual-purpose role, Schneider writes. ''The first is to make the reader more aware of the need for radical action on climate change, even if the people seeking out and reading cli-fi are already aware of the problem. That’s why the second and greater role of cli-fi is to activate the problem-solving instinct of the reader.''


The 'Cli-fi' Bank Shot - a blog post by Ivan Schneider

cli-fi Ivan
Image: Self-portrait #4 (2015), color pencil.

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