Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Cli-Fi Novel ‘The Water Knife’ Previews a Future Drought Scenario - (NPR blog)

Cli-Fi Novel ‘The Water Knife’ Previews a Future Drought Scenario

Source: NPR/Adam Frank - August 12, 2015in The Arts
Cli-Fi Novel ‘The Water Knife’ Previews a Future Drought Scenario
As I write this, California remains deep in its fourth year of drought.

One hundred percent of the state of Nevada is in drought — with 40 percent in the extreme drought category. Over to the southeast, 93 percent of Arizona’s territory is in some form of drought. Even Washington state, far to the north, finds all of its territory in drought and 32 percent of its land in extreme doubt.

If there is one aspect of climate change almost all scientists working in the field agree on, it’s that droughts, particularly in the drier regions of the planet, are likely to become more frequent and more pronounced. This means that abundant reserves of fresh water, the most basic requirement for civilization, is likely to become all the more scarce and all the more valuable.
But what will it mean to move from the world we know now, with sprawling cities stretching across the desert southwest, into that future world were water perhaps becomes its own kind of gold? What will that new world look like? What will it feel like to live in its day-to-day realities?
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