Monday, March 16, 2015

''Kingsman: The Secret Service'' is a spy-action-comedy ''cli-fi'' film and has been nominated for a 2015 Cliffie

Kingsman: The Secret Service is a spy action comedy ''cli-fi'' film and has been nominated for Best Cli Fi Movie of 2015 for the annual CLI FI MOVIE AWARDS to be announced next December.
Starring COLIN FIRTH; the ''villain'' is a climate alarmist/eco-terrorist. Rightwing Canadian newspaper columnist Mark Steyn has a rightwing write up on the movie here.

CLIIFIES news here: aka THE CLI FI MOVIE AWARDS, an annual movie awards event

Kingsman: The Secret Service
by Mark Steyn
Mark at the Movies
February 28, 2015
Climate-change madman Thamuel L Jackson announces his plans for world dominathon.

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