Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Cli fi class at UO in 2014 garnered a lot of national interest, starting a new academic trend: backstory

College classrooms go 'cli-fi' as academia wakes up to rising new literary genre

University of Oregon


 English Class


“Cultures of Climate Change” graduate seminar in 2014 garnered a lot of national interest


In 2014, both The Huffington Post and The Washington Post mentioned UO English Professor Stephanie LeMenager’s 2014 graduate seminar, “Cultures of Climate Change,” in stories about the emerging genre of “cli-fi.”

This is not the first time LeMenager’s seminar has attracted national media attention. Recently, Time Magazine reporter Lily Rothman interviewed UO English Professor Stephanie LeMenager for the May 19 issue of Time in her review of the summer blockbuster, Godzilla. Rothman links the movie to the emerging genre of “cli-fi.” Read the review, “Godzilla, Into the Storm and More Summer Cli-Fi Thrillers.”

Professor LeMenager is a leader in the field of environmental humanities and has recently received national attention for her graduate seminar “Cultures of Climate Change,” which features “cli-fi,” or science fiction concerned with environmental issues.

Read the New York Times feature, “College Classes Use Arts to Brace for Climate Change,” on Professor LeMenager’s graduate seminar “Cultures of Climate Change.”

Read the CAS story about the national media attention LeMenager’s work has recently received.

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