Monday, November 17, 2014

Morphizm on Intersteller and #clifi as a cultural prism - TWEETS

Scott Thill ‏@morphizm ·Nov 15 @.....''Interstellar'' is a #clifi mess of theory, tropes & quotes, but pulls through thanks to sheer ambition & scope. It reminds us where we are... / ''For all its human faults, @interstellar is foundational #CliFi that rewards repeat viewings. You'll soon learn how to do it on the cheap...''====================Fabrice LeClerk adds -- New Cli-Fi: Genre Expands as Vision Takes Hold: One more thing for science-denying politicians to… #climate_denial // michelle holthouse ‏@madtrekkie ·Nov 14 "Cli-fi" movies have emerged as a niche genre, taking the pomp of doomsday science-fiction flicks and mixing it...

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