Friday, September 26, 2014

Annual CLIFFIES Cli Fi Movie Awards Gets Underway With Gala Opening

Cli-Fi Movie Awards Honor 'Snowpiercer', 'Intersteller' at 'Cliffies' awards show in Los Angeles

February 15, 2015

The first annual CLI FI MOVIE AWARDS event got underway yesterday with a gala event honoring and recognizing the best cli fi movies fo the year for 2014. The annual awards event, dubbed The Cliffies, is funded independently and has no connection to Hollywood studios or PR deparments, according to organizer Danny Bloom, a climate activist who coined and created the cli fi genre for a purpose: to use the PR term as a wake up tool for humankind.

The first awards program, see photo above for what it might have looked like had you been there, honored the following films for best cli fi movies of the year, with the winners to be announced shortly before the Oscars on February 15, 2015: Best movies nominated were Snowpiercer, Noah, Godzilla, Into the Storm, The Rover and Interstellar.

The stars and directors of the films were honored to with a miniature CLIFFIE statuette, which comes in the shape of an EARTH GLOBE, our planet Earth. Awards were also handed out for best PR campaign for a cli fi movie (INTO THE STORM), best title for a cli fi movie (SNOWPIERCER), the film which most mirrored current climate science issues (TBA), the film which most reflected current social and political events in relationship to climate change issues (TBA) and best novel of 2014 likely to be made into a future CLI FI MOVIE (Margaret Atwood's MADDADDAM TRILOGY).

For more information on the CLIFFIES, contact our PR department at



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