Friday, August 31, 2012

2012 RNC - Ken Hutchins Prayer

2012 RNC-Ken Hutchins Prayer

UPDATE, the good Ken Hutchins wrote to me today by email and said among other things:

Dear Dan

Read your comments on the prayer I gave at the RNC. By the way, I take no offense at any of your observations. I did find them interesting and respect your right to opine. Without meaning to sound too defensive I do have some observations of my own.

First of all, I was not asked to give an ecumenical or non-ecumenical type of prayer. I was not asked to give a "Mormon" prayer. I was just asked to pray.

Acknowledging the dozens or hundreds of other types of religion in my prayer, Christian and non- Christian, would have been somewhat awkward and so I did not mention any specific church although

I agree mentioning Christ perhaps offended some who do not believe in him or perhaps do not believe in any organized religion at all.

Delivering a prayer without offending someone somewhere is probably beyond my capacity and would perhaps offend what I sincerely believe in.

I guess labeling me anti-semetic (sic) was confusing to me as well. You really don't know me at all.

By the way - - Did any of the other 5 or so prayers offered as benedictions or concluding prayers even happen to mention the word "Mormon"? Did any of them publicly acknowledge all of the worlds religions and atheists? And if not, did you also post similar feelings about any of the others who offered those prayers? NONE OF THE OTHERS PRAYED IN THE NAME OF THEIR OWN SPECIFIC PROPHETS THEY WAY YOU DID KEN. THAT IS MY POINT HERE. -- DAN

Best regards to you - I am,

Ken Hutchins 

see his prayer text here:
at which my 10 messages and comments were DELETED by the GATEKEEPERS
of the MORMON FAITH, who are afraid of what i said there and here:

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2012 RNC-Ken Hutchins Prayer

The evening started with an invocation from Ken Hutchins, a 71-year-old Gospelly-antisemitic, retired police chief who replaced Romney as the president the LDS Church's Boston Massachusetts Stake. And who himself was converted to Mormomi religion by door knockers from the LDS church when he was in his 20s and readily available to be brainwashed and mind controlled. They did it. He joined.

Sadly, Hutchins is battling lymphoma, and is recovering from chemotherapy treatments that put his ability to travel to Tampa for the convention in doubt up until the last minute. So we wish him well and hope he recovers. He is a good man. But very misguided, intellectually and spiritually.

He walked in steadily, if slowly, to the podium, and with a strong voice he opened the convention's final session with a prayer that was at once decidedly antisemitic and antiMuslim and antiBuddhist Christian (with its "Lord's Prayer" structure, its politically incorrect reference to the exclusivistic and triumphalistic Alleged Atonement of the Alleged Jesus Christ and its closure in the name of the Alleged Jesus Christ) and distinctly Angel Mormoni (with references to "the gift of the Holy Ghost, the testator of truth" -- WTF? -- and to the ability to worship "according to the dictates of our own conscience").

Well, that's nice, Ken, the ability to worship according to our own personal dicatates. Cool. Then why not use the prayer to be INCLUSIVE of all the people of the USA? But no, you prayed in a very public place televsied on Tv to all the world in a deeply divisive and antisemitic way. You did not include Jews in your prayer sir. Nor did you include Muslims or Sihks or Jains or Buddhists or Shintoists or Bahai's. Shame on you, sir. Shame on America. See why the rest of the world hates you, America? It's because of prayers like the one Ken delivered.

In this sense, Ken erred terrribly and he is a shame on America's face to all America and the rest of the world. Jesus is not the God of America, He is just

one god among many that Americans worship, according to the dictates of their own conscience. Why didn't KEN HUTCHINS allow for that in his prayer? Because he is an antisemite of the Gospels' brainwashing, and also an AntiMuslim and an Anti-Buddhist. Wake up, America. Jesus does not exist for all people. He is just one god among many in the world.



1. Sorry to say but Mr Hutchins is a basically under-educated, convert

to Mormonism from door knocking "souldiers" of Mormoni, and he never

really understood what reality is. He is a mere brainwashed dummy.

Good man, good heart, but dumb. Witness his antisemitic prayer!

2. repeat: in church fine. But in public, one should NEVER pray this

way. We are multi ethnic multi spiritual multi religions nation. Yes

we are one nation UNDER GOD, yes, but we are NOT one nation under

Christ. This is wrong to say in public and a shame on Ken for doing

this slap in the face of all God loving Non-Chrsitians in the USa.


3. Hutchins IN A VERY UNAMERICAN and EXCLuSiVISITic and triumphalistic

prayer for Christians Only it appears , also thanked “thee, Father,

for the healing gifts of the atonement, of thy Son, Jesus Christ, and

his resurrection. We know it is by and through these sacred offerings

that we, thy children, can be cleansed and made worthy to return to



4. Hutchins IN A VERY UNAMERICAN EXCLSUVISIT prayer also thanked “thee,

Father, for the healing gifts of the atonement, of thy Son, Jesus

Christ, and his resurrection. We know it is by and through these

sacred offerings that we, thy children, can be cleansed and made

worthy to return to thee.” THIS PRAYER IS ONLY FOR CHRISTIANS. IT


Ken! What a damning recitial of Christian antisemitism! Christian


5. again, my fellow Americans, listen to me, KEN was wrong to say "we

thank thee father for the healing atonement of thy son Jesus Christ"

-- NOT in a public prayer for the ears of all Americans, as Jesus is

NOT everyone's savior, not mine, not all the Jews in the USa, not all

the Muslims in the USa, not all the Buddhists in the USa, if you do

not get what i am saying, America is a sick puppy; JESUS is not

everyone 's savior. Wake up Mitt and smell reality. How do you think

this plays overseas?

6. This was a terrible antisemitic and antiMuslim and antiBuddhist

prayer, and antiAmerican as well. I will tell you why. Ken made a big

mistake praying in public to his note HIS savior jesus h christ. Jesus

is not everyone's savior and a public prayer at the GOP con should not

be given in one particular savior's name or one god's name. America is

a sick sick country and Ken and Mitt are reasons why. they think THEIR

religion superior to ALL others. SICK

1 comment:

  1. Ken Hutchins wrote to me today and that was nice of him, he wrote among other things

    Read your comments on the prayer I gave at the RNC. By the way, i take no offense at any of your observations. I did find them interesting and respect your right to opine. Without meaning to sound too defensive I do have some observations of my own.
    First of all, I was not asked to give an ecumenical or non-ecumenical type of prayer. I was not asked to give a "Mormon" prayer. I was just asked to pray. Acknowledging the dozens or hundreds of other types of religion in my prayer, Christian and non- Christian, would have been somewhat awkward and so I did not mention any specific church although I agree mentioning Christ perhaps offended some who do not believe in him or perhaps do not believe in any organized religion at all. Delivering a prayer without offending someone somewhere is probably beyond my capacity and would perhaps offend what I sincerely believe in.
    I guess labeling me anti-semetic was confusing to me as well. You really don't know me at all.

    By the way - - Did any of the other 5 or so prayers offered as benedictions or concluding prayers even happen to mention the word "Mormon"? Did any of them publicly acknowledge all of the worlds religions and atheists? And if not, did you also post similar feelings about any of the others who offered those prayers?

    Best regards to you - I
    Ken Hutchins''
