Sunday, October 23, 2011

Taiwanese TV award substitute 楊一峯 reads acceptance speech from Director Hung phoned in via text onstage. CUTE!.......電視金鐘獎 - Best Directing for a Mini-series/TV movie (迷你劇集/電視電影導演獎)

UPDATE: .......our Taipei-based Taiwanese informant tells us:......."The man accepting the award for Director Hung who could not be there that night was Yang Yi-feng [楊一峯](also known as Katsuhiko Miki in Japan [三木克彥]  who is a friend of Director Hung who won the award of Best Director of TV Drama and Mr Yamg, also a TV direcor and CM director and film director in Taipei accepted the award on stage
on behalf of Hung Chih-yu (洪智育) and effortlessly snapped a photo of the audience with his own camera as he stepped up to the stage.
Mr YAng was reading the ''thank you'' speech that Director Hung sent in to him to the mobile phone on stage. Cute. Technology transforms the Oscars soon, too?''

speech comes in at 3 minutes into video, around 3:01

-- Reads acceptance speech phoned in by text from Director Hung himself to the iPhone screen

The times they are a'changin' -- but perhaps not in the way that Bob Dylan sang
about years ago in his famous folk song.

Case in point: During the recent ''Golden Bell'' Television Awards last week in
Taipei -- Taiwan's equivalent to the Ameican ''Emmy'' Awards -- a man accepted a TV award for
Director Hung who won it but could not be there in person because of outside work -- Mr Hung won the gong for best TV director of a drama series called "Scent of Love" for 2011--  and the other man, named Mr Yang, also Taiwanese, walked up to the stage and snapped a
camera photo of the audience from the stage) while approaching the podium stage, and then took
out an
iphone from his shirt jacket pocket and started reading email messages from Director Hung while
smiling to himself, before finally addressing the
5,000 people in the audience and on national TV by reading not from a
prepared piece of folded dead-tree paper but from the clean screen of his iPhone -- and the speech he read was phoned in, er, texted in, by Director Hung himself from a remote location. His
substitute speech performance for the real award winner might just have made award-show history worldwide,
by replacing a prepared written speech with
a prepared written screen text that was phoned in in real time by text message.

Can the Oscars and the Man Booker Prize next year be next?


Best Directing for a Mini-series/TV movie (迷你劇集/電視電影導演獎)
*******洪智育╱就是要香戀(CTV - 中國電視事業股份有限公司)

Celebrities and fans crowded the Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall in Taipei, exuberant over the 46th Golden Bell Awards (電視金鐘獎), Taiwan's equivalent to the Emmy Awards, which awarded Wilber Pan (潘瑋柏) and Tien Hsin (天心) as best actor and actress, respectively, while some director bloke snapped his own DIY pics while accepting his award and reading from iPhone screen for speech.

三木克彥 tells this blog:

"My Chinese Mandarin name is Yang Yi-feng (which is the spelling on my Taiwannese passport), and in Chinese characters my name is 楊一峯。.....I am half-Japanese half-Taiwanese so the name on my facebook page is 三木克彥 or Miki Katsuhiko. That is the name I use in Japan. I am a TV comercial director, and I recently started to direct TV dramas in Taiwan, too. ''

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