Sunday, August 28, 2011

'Fake' Steve Jobs advice book "made in Red China" -- -- Web of deceit led to egg on Taiwan's face

LINK with proof, scroll down to grey box


As readers around the world know by now, Asians are in love with Steve
Jobs, the real one and the fake one, as they'lll eat up anything with
"Steve Jobs" in the title or blog post.
Recently, the Taiwanese had the wool pulled over their eyes by some
low-lying "translators" in Communist China" who put out fake advice
book by Jobs -- for teenagers in China!
The Beijing-published book was titled "Steve Paul Jobs's Eleven Pieces
of Advice for Young People Today" and it was written by the long-dead
American composer "John Cage."

This reporter recently purchased a copy of the book in Complex Chinese
characters in a bookstore in Taipei and discovered via the
''publication notes page'' that the counterfeit
book -- which was never written by Steven Paul Jobs or John Cage and
merely took past speeches by Jobs and turned the excerpts into eleven
lessons for
teenagers in China -- that the book was originally published in
Communist China last year first in Simplified Chinese characters used
in Maoland. The book was such a hit
as a fake in China that a publisher-wannabe in free and democratic
Taiwan got itchy fingers and agreed to license the fake China book for
his easy to fool and very gullible Taiwanese
readers. Done deal. Some money exchanged hands, the original book was
re-translated into the kind of Chinese characters that Taiwanese
people can read -- since the Simplified characters
used in Maoland are simply beneath the dignity of real Chinese script
-- and the Taiwan version of the fake Chinese book was published in
April. It has already gone
through 10 printings and more are on the way, given the worldwide
publicity on this deceitful yet perfect story fakery.

How did this reporter find out that the book was published originally
in "copyright means the right to copy" China? Simple, and not complex
at all. On the publication notes
page is the email address of the publisher in Beijing, and feel free
to write to him if you wish:

The ''cn" gives it away.

A bloke named David Wu is also in on this fakery, and his email is
also listed as
 (and he appears to be the
Taiwanese contact).

The alleged author, a chap named "John Cage", who of course is dead,
did not respond to this reporter's emails. Not yet. Maybe there's
email in Heaven?

As previously reportedm the Taipei police is now investigating the
case, and if the ''publisher'' is found guilty of deceiving the
public, he could be in for some jail time. Or a big fat fine.

The publisher in Taipei still maintains that his book was legit and
that all copyright protections were in order.

John Brownlee at the cultofmac website got it right with a cute
headline that read: "Steve Job Releases Taiwanese Self-Help Book For
Teenagers Translated By Dead Avant Garde Composer."

Brownlee added: "[The] entire book was translated by the famous avant
garde composer John Cage, who is apparently alive and well in Taipei!
Whats a wonderful choice for a man to translate Jobs! After all,
they’re both Buddhists!"

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