Tuesday, June 8, 2010

PETA Asks Polar Cities Project to Stock Future Survival Shelters With Vegan Food

NEW YORK, June 1, 2010

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA)
recently sent a letter to Polar Cities Project director Danny Bloom
urging him to serve only meat-free, dairy-free, and egg-free food in
his proposed network of polar city climate refugee survival bunkers.
PETA's request follows reports that Bloom is advocating the
construction of 144 polar cities across the northern regions where
about 200,000 people can seek refuge from climate chaos catastrophes
in the distant future, should the need arise. In the letter, PETA
points out that vegans are fitter and trimmer, on average, than
meat-eaters and less threatened by leading killers such as heart
attacks and cancer. Bloom hopes to construct 144 polar cities in
Alaska, Canada, Russia, Norway, Greenland and Iceland, in addition to
polar cities in New Zealand and Tasmania in the southern hemisphere."Whether you live in an underground bunker or a penthouse suite, the
best way to ensure that you'll still be around as a polar city
resident in the distant future is to ditch meat and go vegan," PETA
said. "By maintaining a vegan diet, the bunkered polar city climate
chaos survivors would be in better shape to adapt to their
post-apocalyptic world and would help put an end to the doomsday
scenarios that animals on factory farms and in slaughterhouses face
every day."

PETA added: "In a post-apocalyptic world of polar cities, it will be
crucial to ensure that the surviving members of the human race are
healthy. To ensure this, we urge you to require that poalr city
shelters be stocked exclusively with vegan food. Polar cities may
protect inhabitants from climate chaos in the distant future, but if
residents are dining on fat- and cholesterol-laden meat, eggs, and
dairy products, they're at a higher risk to keel over from heart
disease, cancer, or diabetes before the fallout clears. Vegans are 50
percent less likely to develop heart disease, have 40 percent of the
cancer rate of meat-eaters, and live an average of six to 10 years
longer than meat-eaters do. A vegan diet is the best way to ensure
that those in polar cities emerge healthy and strong."

"Stocking up on vegan foods would also protect animals from enduring
the horrors of modern factory farms, where every day is doomsday: They
are crammed by the thousands into filthy windowless sheds, gestation
crates, and wire cages so small that they can't even turn around or
lift a wing. Many have their throats cut and are scalded alive at
slaughterhouses. Won't you please offer in your plans for polar city
residents -- and for animals -- total protection by serving healthy
and humane vegan cuisine? Shelf-stable soymilk, tofurky jerky, and
other protein-packed vegan staples like beans and peanut butter will
last longer. too. Thank you for your consideration and best wishes for
a safe and healthy future."


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