Friday, April 30, 2010

TIME magazine reports on Chen Shu-chu - an earlier news story in Taiwan in 2005 started the ball rolling on this Time award

Joe Ciardiello for TIME

In its annual TIME 100 issue the magazine names the people who most affected the world this year:

Heroes  *bravo!

Mrs. Chen Shu-chu of Taiwan

''take'' by famous Taiwanese movie director Ang Lee
Apr. 29, 2010

Illustration by Joe Ciardiello for TIME

Chen Shu-chu is a seller of vegetables in a stall in Taitung County's central market, in southern Taiwan. .......[NOTICE TIME DID NOT CALL TAIWAN AS PART OF CHINA OR EVEN CALL IT CHINESE TAIPEI. JUST TAIWAN. NICE, TIME!]...... Out of her modest living, Chen, 59, has managed to donate nearly NT$10 million (that's $320,000) to various causes, including $32,000 for a children's fund, $144,000 to help build a library at a school she attended and another $32,000 for the local orphanage, where she also gives financial support to three children. .....[THIS STORY WAS FIRST REPORTED BY TAIWAN  MEDIA in 2005 ....]
What's so wonderful about Chen's achievement is not its extraordinariness but that it is so simple and matter of fact in its generosity.  "Money serves its purpose only when it is used for those who need it," she told a newspaper. .And rather than bask in her celebrity, Chen seems to dismiss the whole thing with a wave of her hand, perhaps even with a hint of irritation. There isn't much to talk about, because I did not enter any competition," she says. "I haven't really made any huge donations." ......... She's planning ....... to establish a fund to help the poor with education, food and health care. Amazing, but of all she has given away, her greatest gift is her example. .....

This is a wonderful and heartwarming story, first reported in Taiwan in 2005, five years before now. Why did it take so long? Fate? Destiny? And now the DPP and the KMT are fighting over all this. Ouch! But for the first time in histoy, both the Taipei Times and the China Post expat newspapers agree in their editorials on this that the DPP and KMT are both making fools of themselves over this. Sigh.

陳樹菊 忍著腳痛天天賣菜

2010-05-01 中國時報 黃力勉/台東報導








  1. 陳樹菊 忍著腳痛天天賣菜
    2010-05-01 中國時報 黃力勉/台東報導






  2. Chen Shuju endures the foot pain to sell the vegetable daily 2010-05-01 Chinese Times yellow strive/Taitung to report  Sells-out card important ▲ Chen Shuju, even if is elected lasts the generation of magazine hundred big influence characters, yesterday still as usual greeted the customer, sells the vegetable to give change get money, is completely not affected. (yellow strives absorbs)  “that any magazine, any prize are unimportant! The vegetable sells the card to be solid tightly.”Taitung vegetable vendor Chen Shuju is elected is "TIME" the time magazine global year hundred big “the hero class” the influence character, yesterday she still one like in the past, 2:30 am got out of bed the wholesale vegetables, greets the customer early in the morning in the stall, regarding whether to arrive at the US to receive an award, she spoke frankly that “the passport, has not gone abroad, has not thought this question.”  Chen Shuju three months only then "Richly compared to Gentleman" the magazine elects for the Asian charitable hero, afterward obtains the time magazine to affirm, two international magazines give money generously one after another regarding her, help the person happiest magnanimous act, thought that is the entire Asian even world hero model.  Chen Shuju learned that the time magazine chose it after “the hero class” the influence character only lightly said that won any prize not to be unimportant, important was must hurry the vegetable to sell, otherwise the vegetable rotted must be in arrears. She the goal will place in the future must save to 10,000,000 Yuan tenable foundation, will let the poor person have the food to eat, may to arrive at the hospital to see a doctor.  She said that she will go out to play, the biography only then two times will leave Taitung, will arrive at Taibei far, because the honeycomb organization inflammation will be serious, will operate to Taibei is hospitalized a week, will also be hospitalized some cold to Hualian Ciji, regarding whether to arrive at the US to receive an award, she spoke frankly that has not thought this question, even has not gone abroad the experience, will not have the passport, the baggage did not know continually from where will reorganize.  “she loves herself not 夠, but the sentiment is too really great!”Family of Chair Lu Lihan Taitung Arney color Buddha child indicated that Chen Shuju the one breath donated them the other day 1,000,000 Yuan, is more than 40 for year biggest pen donations, but he also repeatedly reminds Chen Shuju to be again good to himself a spot, does not want each meal always to eat the bowl noddles or to eat meal matches the melons pickled insoy, pays attention to oneself health. The Chen Shuju foot because of the honeycomb organization inflammation, until now has not convalesced from last August, every day takes the pain-killer to stop pain first, worries about sells the vegetable, lets her not give up leaves the stall to look examines.

    If seeing is believing, well at least we see the library in this film, and it is named after her name (the "Chen Shu-Chu Library", shown at 1:00 of the video.)

  4. Dear Anonymous

    thanks for note...

    it does appear to be very real and I am beginning to think i was wrong.....i am sure she is good woman, i saw news on TV, i like her, love her,,,,BUT.....i just cannot understand how her wonderful acts of kindness and charity BECAME such big news in Taiwan first and then ASIA and now TIME magazine, ...when at the same time there are many other Taiwanese people who are HEROES for their charity work and selfless acts, i wonder of all the heroes in Taiwan, why did TIME pick her?

    I don't know. I guess the a reporter in Taitung started it all off, a few months ago. and then from the local newspaper there to the APPLE DAILY and then the CNA wire service and the story just grew and grew....and it's a great story,....i am just want to know HOW POOR SHE REALLY WAS OR IS...and if along the way in her life she had some help from husband or lovers or benefactors, bceasue nornmally most veggie vendors do not make so much money.....but i am SURE she is angel on Earth, a good woman, i am more intersted in how the MEDIA started all this off.....but in the end it is a good story, and she deserves all the things coming her way, really......i am just curious how it, the media story, began, it's a modern media story.....and i love it...

    TAHNKS FOR the VIDEO. that is proof yes! i am sure she has donated all the money...but WHERE did all that money really come from? from mere sales of veggise? or from property sales or stock market plays or what? just logically, it does not add up, so much money from a veggie seller but i guess I AM WRONG HERE and I will apologize up top now too. EGG ON MY FACE. THANKS for teachign me this truth!
    If seeing is believing, well at least we see the library in this film, and it is named after her name (the "Chen Shu-Chu Library", shown at 1:00 of the video.)

  5. and dear ANON part two, taking your comment into mind, i revised the thread above, read it now and i added this:

    as headline now

    ''TIME magazine reports Chen Shu-chu did all of this by herself, but did she? Did she have a benefactor? Or owned property or invested in stock market? Or won lottery? How does a mere veggie vendor save so much money? Just curious.''

    THANKS for keeping me honest. i had some questions. now i see i was wrong. thanks. i guess she really DID DO IT ALL BY HERSELF. IT REALLY IS AN AMAZAING AND WONDERUL TAIWAN STORY!

  6. Dear Northward, I guess we all live in a time where we don't believe in the term "hard earned money" anymore.

    We see too much examples of quick cash. Either from lottery, becoming famous or like what you said, a benefactor.

    But lets not forget that there are many people out there, who are born without, looks to charm their way to success, nor the luck to to win the lottery or to know anyone who is rich enough to pass down their money.

    But it is such people, who knows the real important of money. And it takes a lot for them to share their limited wealth.

    Ms Chen works hard for her money, and is super thrifty (she lives on NT$100 a day, said on the news). And i believe the money she donated is from her daily earnings as a veggie vendor. Why do i believe? Cause there are still such people out there. Selfless people.

    In this materialist world, where money is everything, to keep so little for oneself and give everything to others, she should deserve to be featured on TIME magazine. Not for how much money she give, but for showing us what the true meaning of charity is.

    We can all learn from her. I don't believe she is doing this to become famous/popular, and so i don't like it when celebrates show off their "charity works" on media. We should do it for the benefits of the others, not to show off to the world. God above (whom ever you believe in) will see the good deeds you have done, there is not need to answer/show off to anyone else. And if you don't believe in god, believe in making yourself a better person.

  7. very well said sir, and i agree with you 100 percent.... in fact, i think Ms Chen is more powerful than Mother Teresa......she is realy a selfless loving person..... so what you said is correct and i now take back all my earlier reservations i had about her..... i do believe she earned it all herself by hard work, thanks for confirming this for me.


    by the way, sir, is your name DANIEL by any chance? I believe i met you in another life....
