Tuesday, January 5, 2010

North to Alaska: Sarah Palin’s Home State to House “Northern White House” - Climate Refugees Will Flood the 49th State as U.S. Government Moves North

North to Alaska: Sarah Palin’s Home State to House “Northern White House”

Climate Refugees Will Flood the 49th State as U.S. Government Moves North

If the predictions of British scientist James Lovelock are any guide to the future, climate change and global warming are unstoppable now, and the next 500 years will bring major changes to life on Earth as we know it now. Billions of people from central and temperate regions will move north, Lovelock says, finding refuge in climate refuges known as polar cities in Alaska and Canada.

Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin does not believe in Lovelock’s predictions, preferring to base her life and thinking on the baseless predictions of the Bible and the debunked ideas of Intelligent Design. While she believes that global warming is real, she also believes it is caused not by men and their machines but by the natural cycles of the Sun and Moon.

But with her head in the sand, Palin — widely tipped to be the Republican candidate for the 2012 presidential elections in the USA — cannot fathom the ideas of Dr Lovelock. Nor can she fathom the ideas of a former Alaskan resident named Danny Bloom who bills himself as “a modern-day climate Jeremiah” on blogs and websites worldwide. Bloom, taking his cue from interviews with Lovelock, is predicting that millions, perhaps billions, of climate refugees will flood Alaska in the coming centuries, beginning around 2121 A.D. and continuing until well in what he calls “The Great Interruption” (a 10,000-year period in which all of mankind will migrate north to polar cities in the Arctic regions in order to serve as breeding pairs for the survival of the human species).

Bloom says that as the Earth heats up in the next 100 to 500 years, temperatures will rise, sea levels will rise, food will become scarce in the Lower 48 due to soaring temperatures in agricultural areas and millions of Americans (and Mexicans) will move “north to Alaska”. The modern-day climate Jeremiah predicts that these events will not signal the end of the world but the beginning of a new chapter in human history, with a lot hanging on the outcome.




"If we survive The Great Interruption, the human species will be okay, and we will thrive again later," Bloom, 60, says. "I am an optimist and I fully believe we will survive, the breeding pairs in the Arctic will become part of Lifeboat Earth and all will be well, in the end. Around 12,500 A.D, humans will come out of the polar cities in the north and begin to repopulate the Earth again. I only wish former Governor Palin could understand the massive shift that is about to begin. Sadly, due to her education and upbringing, she cannot see the forest from the trees. She thinks everything is okay now, and that Al Gore and James Lovelock are nuts, not to mention James Hansen or Mark Lynas. But the descendants of Sarah Palin in the next few centuries will surely come to learn just how wrong their famous relative, the 45th president of the USA,  was!"

Bloom predicts that by the year 2500 A.D. the entire U.S. government will have relocated north to Alaska and parts of Canada. The Northern White House will be in Juneau, he says. The U.S. Congress will be housed on the campus of what is now the University of Alaska in Fairbanks. And the Supreme Court will be located in Anchorage, Alaska, housed in the buildings that were formerly part of the then-defunct Ted Stevens Anchorage International Airport there. By 2500, Bloom says, there will be no more aviation fuel and all airplanes worldwide will be grounded.

So get ready, Alaska, for an influx of millions of climate refugees and climate stragglers within the next 500 years. The flood will occur slowly, glacially, over time, and the state will be able to handle the mass migration events as they occur. But it won't be a pretty picture, Bloom says, comparing it to something like when "'Mad Max' meets Cormac McCarthy's 'The Road'."

Bloom's jeremiads on the Internet are worth reading, if only to get a glimpse of what the future might be for our descendants, a few centuries down the road. On the other hand, this modern-day Jeremiah might be completely off his rocker and not worth listening to at all.

Would you wager he's right or that he's going to be way wrong? It''s food for thought, if nothing else. Sarah Palin might even consider the consequences.


  1. Dear Danny,
    I don't doubt the prognosis that you have discussed. It is very probable that all low lying countries will be erased from the map once the Greenland Ice melts. Unfortunately, I believe that the melting of the glaciers probably won't take as long as is currently being suggested. In recent years geologists have noted enormous fissures in the ice cover. What these fissures mean is that the water from the surface is going down to the point where the ice meets solid rock and is undermining the hold that the ice has on the rock. What will probably happen, and not in more than 25 years, is that the ice will slide off of the rock and go into the Arctic Ocean, Baffin Bay, and the Greenland Sea. When that happens the level of the seas may rise 20' or more immediately, and not over a period of 500 years.
    Of course I am seen by many as an alarmist, but under such a scenario the World has very little time to adapt before we are all living at higher altitudes. I am not influenced by Hollywood by the way. Read if you will, the following:

    "From: U.S. National Park Service Website, Ice Age Floods, 2002
    During the last Ice Age, a finger of the Cordilleran ice sheet crept southward into the Idaho Panhandle, blocking the Clark Fork River and creating Glacial Lake Missoula. As the waters rose behind this 2,000-foot ice dam, they flooded the valleys of western Montana. At its greatest extent, Glacial Lake Missoula stretched eastward a distance of some 200 miles, essentially creating an inland sea.

    Periodically, the ice dam would fail. These failures were often catastrophic, resulting in a large flood of ice- and dirt-filled water that would rush down the Columbia River drainage, across northern Idaho and eastern and central Washington, through the Columbia River Gorge, back up into Oregon's Willamette Valley, and finally pour into the Pacific Ocean at the mouth of the Columbia River.

    The glacial lake, at its maximum height and extent, contained more than 500 cubic miles of water. When Glacial Lake Missoula burst through the ice dam and exploded downstream, it did so at a rate 10 times the combined flow of all the rivers of the world. This towering mass of water and ice literally shook the ground as it thundered towards the Pacific Ocean, stripping away thick soils and cutting deep canyons in the underlying bedrock. With flood waters roaring across the landscape at speeds approaching 65 miles per hour, the lake would have drained in as little as 48 hours.

    But the Cordilleran ice sheet continued moving south and blocking the Clark Fork River again and again, creating other Glacial Lake Missoulas. Over thousands of years, the lake filling, dam failure, and flooding were repeated dozens of times, leaving a lasting mark on the landscape of the Northwest. Many of the distinguishing features of the Ice Age Floods remain throughout the region today.

    Together, these two interwoven stories of the catastrophic floods and the formation of Glacial Lake Missoula are referred to as the "Ice Age Floods."
    In the pattern above there was the failure of an ice lake. Today we have tremendous amounts of water on Greenland which, should it slide into the oceans would cause the same sort of flooding, primarily on low lying coastlines all over the World. Perhaps we should be planning for such an event. It has been my position for a long time that the experts are aware of the tragic possibilities but are concealing them from the public because "they know best what the people ought to know."
    Regards, and thank you for sending the story to me.

    - J.

  2. Tom Nelson blogs:


    North to Alaska: Sarah Palin's Home State to House "NorthernWhite House" in 2500 A.D - Associated Content - associatedcontent.com

    Danny Bloom, taking his cue from interviews with Lovelock, is predicting that millions, perhaps billions, of climate refugees will flood Alaska in the coming centuries, beginning around 2121 A.D. and continuing until well in what he calls "The Great Interruption" (a 10,000-year period in which all of mankind will migrate north to polar cities in the Arctic regions in order to serve as breeding pairs for the survival of the human species).

  3. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/8434059.stm

    Do we need to say our prayers?

    Greig Whitehead

    For millions of people in Africa, climate change is a reality, says Greig Whitehead. However, as he explains in this week's Green Room, in religious nations such as Kenya, many believe that tackling global warming is beyond their control.

    Even with trust in the power of God, Kenya is a country on the brink of disaster

    Kenya is a deeply religious country.
    Christians, Muslims and Hindus alike assemble for regular and often lengthy worship; prayers are offered up before and after every public meeting, and even before starting a cross-country "safari", the god of one's faith is called on to bless the journey.
    So it comes as no surprise to hear a female pastoralist from the arid lands of North-East Kenya decrying the combined wisdom of the world's scientists, after being told that climate change is man-made.
    "How can man change the climate and make it stop raining: it is God's will that has brought the drought," she utters.
    But even with trust in the power of God, Kenya is a country on the brink of disaster.
    As news reports show, the country's rivers are drying, its more remote areas are turning to desert, and the food chain - from land, to animals, to humans - is breaking down.
    The ramifications of the rural drought now stretch to the streets of Nairobi, where five million people face daily power rationing, severe water shortages and higher food prices.
    In battle terms, Kenya is on the frontline; it is staring climate change in the face.

    Climate for change
    But to deal with the global phenomenon, Kenya's "wananchi" (citizens) need to understand the complex of challenges they are up against, including a range of home-grown factors.

  4. Gathering drinking water is becoming even more difficult for many in Africa
    A growing population, coupled with insufficient investment in rural infrastructure and land management, makes it even more difficult to adapt to climate change and stave off the impending disasters brought by human induced global warming.
    For the future of Kenya, it is vital that practical solutions are found to meet people's concerns and help build sustainable systems that are less vulnerable to increasingly unpredictable weather patterns.
    Most importantly, it is up to the youth of Kenya to take up the fight on climate change; to succeed where their elders are failing and to inspire a new generation to change their thinking and adapt their ways.
    There are more than 4,000 secondary schools across Kenya, and apart from their purely academic function, most of them play a key role as a focal point for the surrounding community.
    Secondary schools are well place to act as catalysts for community action.
    The 12% of youth fortunate to attend these schools - the country's future leaders - have the knowledge and abilities to become "change-agents", able to motivate people to develop a better understanding of the causes and impacts of environmental degradation.
    This then provides a foundation on which to discuss and take action.
    'Here and now'
    Climate change is about the here and now in Kenya, already seriously affecting the wellbeing of millions of people.

    Wangari Maathai has inspired many people to take action
    It is a salutary warning for the more affluent countries in the North that a problem which - in essence - they have created, through industrialisation and development, will in time rebound to affect their own livelihoods.
    Climate change is a global issue transcending national boundaries, but impacting first on those who can least afford to cope with the consequences.
    The "God not man" cry from the lady in Kenya's northern reaches illustrates a common problem relating to understanding the underlying causes, and underscores the incapability of people in such situations to deal with the crisis that has impacted so severely on their communities.
    As Wangari Maathai, the Nobel Peace Prize winner, notes:
    "Climate change will bring massive ecological and economic challenges… therefore, alleviating dehumanising poverty will become even more difficult."
    One of the keys to enable understanding and adaptation is to harness the power and ingenuity of youth. As Kefa Kones Kibet, a 17-year-old from Nakuru High School in Kenya's Rift Valley, remarks:
    "Climate change causes suffering for people. Many people in Africa walk for miles in search of water.
    "Women are the ones who suffer most because they are the ones who look out for the family. People should be educated on how to plant trees and how best to use the little water available.
    "The only way to curb climate change is through action now for a better tomorrow."
    Greig Whitehead is programme manager for the International Climate Challenge, Kenya
    The Green Room is a series of opinion articles on environmental topics running weekly on the BBC News website
