Sunday, December 20, 2009
Thomas Friedman on CNN's Copenhagen Debate Forum Stage: Is Tom Getting a Bit Fat Around the Waist Now and a bit Thick around the Double Chin and Neck?
I like Tom Friedman, and I like his writings, too, and I like what he says on TV during interviews, too. But I worry about him today because after seeing him on TV today at the CNN COP15 forum debate with Becky Anderson, with the camera showing his full body view, he has grown very FAT in recent years, both in girth and waist and neck and double chin, and FAT is not good. Compare what Tom looked like, sitting next to pencil-thin Bjorn Lomberg, the climate skeptic from Dane-Mark, and there was quite a twosome there. The FAT climate wise man, saying we need to take out an insurance policy just in case, which means that Tom basically supports my idea of polar cities, YEAH!, and the skinny white dude from Denmark who would rather see a massive die-off of 9 billion human beings in his rightwing conservative frame of mind. Fat versus Skinny? Tom, please exercise more; eat less red meat; watch your cholesterol, and LOSE WEIGHT. You are beginning to look like MARLON BRANDO and Mr MOORE THE leftwing DOCUMENTARY FILM DIRECTOR WHO ALSO WEIGHS AROUND 300 POUNDS NOW. Be more respectful of your body weight, sir.
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