Saturday, December 19, 2009

Thank You, Mr. President! UN climate summit 'condemned as a failure' (Now why on God's Good Earth would climate denialist Marc Morano celebrate the failure of a climate accord to try to save humanity from extinction in the next 1000 years? It boggles the mind that the rightwing wingnuts cheer the failure of Copenhagen, celebrate its failure? What makes them tick? Marc, i just don't understand you, you are a good decent man yet you celebrate the future death of the mankind? Why?

Thank You, Mr. President! UN climate summit 'condemned as a failure'

Thank You, Mr. President! UN climate summit 'condemned as a failure' (Now why on God's Good Earth would climate denialist Marc Morano celebrate the failure of a climate accord to try to save humanity from extinction in the next 1000 years? It boggles the mind that the rightwing wingnuts cheer the failure of Copenhagen, celebrate its failure? What makes them tick? Marc, i just don't understand you, you are a good decent man yet you celebrate the future death of the mankind? Why?

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