Saturday, December 19, 2009

Stephen Leahy on Copenhagen's Final Days

Leahy articles - Copenhagen Final Days Inbox

Stephen Leahy  Sun, Dec 20, 3009 at 2:31 AM
18 days later and it's over with a whimper not a hurrah. There is no deal, more of an understanding without commitments. It seems this is as far as could be travelled. Does appear most of the world's leaders are finally and actually paying attention to climate change. It will take some doing to keep their focus on this throughout 2010. Finished up with two analysis pieces, one based on the science and my final one on the politics of the final agreement. There is also a very interesting perspective on the connection between carbon markets and turning water into a commodity: the commons vs private property will be major issue of the decade.

It's been an exhausting run... and now that the frenzy is over I hardly know what to do....hmm maybe sleep for a week when I get home on the 21st.
My best wishes to you and your family for the holiday season


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