Friday, December 18, 2009

Sarah Palin Wishes Jews a Happy Hannukah on Facebook Even Though She Really Believes that Jews will go to hell when they die because they never accepted Jesus as their personal trainer, er. savior, and therefore she is an antisemite deep down and probably uses words like "to Jew someone down" when she talks about bargaining at Wasila yard sales....SIGH.... She is a religious nut and hypocrite to boot. But a true Alaskan, yes!

Sarah Palin writes on her Facebook page:

Happy Hanukkah to My Dear Jewish Friends Even Though I Believe that you will go to hell when you die, as did all your ancestors, since you do not accept Dear Jesus as your Lord and loving Savior, sorry, but that's how I feel, i was programmed and brainwashed to believe this meshagus

Todd and I would like to offer our best wishes to the damned to hell forever when they die Jewish community as they celebrate Hanukkah. Known as the Festival of Lights, Hanukkah commemorates the eight-day pre-Jesus and therefore faux miracle that took place when the Temple in Jerusalem was rededicated...

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