Sunday, December 13, 2009

Osama bin Laden is dead! He has been dead for several years! (the truth is told here)

While the USA and its official military and intelligence agencies say that "killing Osama bin Laden is the key to defeating the al-Qaeda terror network, in fact, Osama bin Laden died of natural causes a few years ago and is now dead dead dead -- as in dead as a doornail. There is not much point in fooling ourselves anymore: bin Laden is dead. Gone with the wind.

Have you ever stopped to think about this:

Why has OBL not been seen by any person or spy or counterspy or intellgience operative since 2001? The man is dead. He died from a specific disease, as well as old age. He is dead. Why the USA news media won't get into this issue is beyond me. Nobody has seen OBL face to face for several years, his alleged CNN video and audio tapes use old photos of him and old voice recordings of him, Osama bin Laden is dead.

Why has this not been reported yet? I cannot figure it out. But I am sure OBL is dead.


  1. actually, joe, bin laden is dead, he died a few years ago, and the CIA is not telling us. see my blog item for this. BIN LADEN is not alive and he is not the one speaking on these audio tapes or vids. Why is everyone so dumb and blind here? BIN LADEN is dead……the West is being bamboozled by these Pr savvy terrorists. believe me, Joe, bin laden is dead. ask top security. they know.

    danny bloom says:
    January 29, 2010 at 11:50 pm
    Sunday, December 13, 2009 from my blog:
    Osama bin Laden is dead! He has been dead for several years! (the truth is told here)While the USA and its official military and intelligence agencies say that “killing Osama bin Laden is the key to defeating the al-Qaeda terror network, in fact, Osama bin Laden died of natural causes a few years ago and is now dead dead dead — as in dead as a doornail. There is not much point in fooling ourselves anymore: bin Laden is dead. Gone with the wind.Have you ever stopped to think about this: Why has OBL not been seen by any person or spy or counterspy or intellgience operative since 2001? The man is dead. He died from a specific disease, as well as old age. He is dead. Why the USA news media won’t get into this issue is beyond me. Nobody has seen OBL face to face for several years, his alleged CNN video and audio tapes use old photos of him and old voice recordings of him, Osama bin Laden is dead.Why has this not been reported yet? I cannot figure it out. But I am sure OBL is dead.

  2. Limbaugh, Fox News suckered by Bin Laden into repeating his disinformation and message of hatred
    January 29, 2010

    joe romm doesnt get it

    Terrorists try very hard to spread their disinformation. A key goal is to get others to spread it for them, especially ones who are holed up in a cave somewhere. Thus terrorists craft their disinformation into a sensational message that they hope gullible members of the global media will repeat.

    So who got suckered into repeating the message of the number one terrorist in the world?

  3. But Limbaugh isn’t alone. It’s a top story on Drudge. And here’s FoxNews:

    Bin Laden Blames U.S. for Global Warming in New Tape
    You can see the disinformation and the core message of hatred throughout the piece, but most especially here:

    To stop global warming, he called for the “wheels of the American economy” to be brought to a halt. “This is possible … if the peoples of the world stop consuming American goods.”

    “We must also stop dealings in the dollar and get rid of it as soon as possible,” he said. “I know that this has great consequences and grave ramifications, but it is the only means to liberate humanity from slavery and dependence on America.”

    He also called for the “punishing and holding to account” of corporation chiefs, adding, “this should be easy for the American people to do, particularly those who were effected by Hurricane Katrina or those who lost their jobs, since these criminals live among them, particularly in Washington, New York and Texas.”

    It’s amazing that any major media outlet is dumb enough to repeat this, let alone write analysis as if Bin Laden actual believes anything he says.

    For the record, it simply is impossible to stop global warming by bringing the US economy to a halt. Only right-wing ideologues could get suckered into pushing this crap for the likes of Al Qaeda .

    NOTE: Yes, I’m sorry to be covering this subject at all for my thousands of readers. I was planning on ignoring this, which is what the major media should do for any such message that comes from Bin Laden. But after Limbaugh and FoxNews got suckered into spreading this disinformation to their millions of followers, I felt I had no choice. I’d be interested in your thoughts.

