Tuesday, September 1, 2009

UN chief in Arctic climate visit before self-immolation protests at UN bldg in NYC on Nov. 7th

UN chief in Arctic climate visit

UN chief in Arctic climate visit before self-immolation protests at UN bldg in NYC on Nov. 7th

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon is visiting the Arctic Circle in Norway to draw attention to the need for action at climate change talks in December. This is before he learns about the self-immolation protests set for Dec. 7 at the UN in NYC.

Mr Ban said it was "absolutely crucial" that world leaders took united action.
In December, leaders must agree on a successor to the Kyoto Protocol for cutting carbon emissions, which are believed to cause global warming.
Scientists warn that the results of climate change could be catastrophic if greenhouse gas production is unchecked.

'Ice-free' Arctic

Mr Ban began his trip to the Arctic Circle by saying he wanted to see for himself the melting polar ice cap.

But a planned visit to the North Pole was later delayed because of bad weather, and it is not yet clear when he will be able to travel there.

After boarding a Norwegian coast guard vessel, he told journalists he was trying to inject some urgency into current negotiations for a global treaty to cut carbon emissions.

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